BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:DrupalCon Copenhagen X-WR-CALDESC:Sessions and BOF's at DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Copenhagen BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202128Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nmortendk\nTodd Nienkerk\n\n\nTrack: Theming\, Desi gn &\; Usability\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFoc us: Designer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nCome Join the not so secret underground movement of beautiful designer\, awesome front end d evelopers & other Drupal lovers who wanna make drupal look as good on the outside as on the inside!\n\n The Design 4 Drupal group have been working the last couple of years to create a space for 'frontend developers' where we can find shelter for the evil developers & demanding clients \;)\n\nTh e last year a lot have happend 2 'D4D' camps have been held in Boston\, a new base theme have been added to drupal7\, and we have succeed in puttin g ourself on the map in the drupal community. \n\nSo now its time to kick it up a nutch.\n\n##Agenda:\n\n* Design 4 Drupal camp in europe - yup its comming!\n* How can we help the Developers?\n* Install profile for 'Design ers'?\n* Markup marines - rules for good markup?\n* How to move forward?\n \n##Why you shold come:\n* Meet the other designer & frontend lovers\n* He lp in pushing drupal the right way\n* you get a secret +1 point of überaw esomeness on you nametag \n\n\nDisclamer:\nThis is not a bitch and moan se ssion about how the rest of the community dont understand us (we did that in DC 1.5 years ago) & we can always do that at the fooBAR later \;) DTSTART:20100824T100000 DTEND:20100824T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Design 4 Drupal - no more fugly! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJ-P Stacey\nRich Middleditch\n\n\nExperience: Begi nner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\n \n---------------------------\n\nMany organisations in the not-for-profit sector are adopting Drupal as their CMS of choice. Longstanding users in t he UK include Amnesty International and Greenpeace UK. So big is the NGO/D rupal space in the UK\, that there's a dedicated meetup group on drupal.or for people interested in it.\n\nThis BOF will be a bit like the Drupa l for NGOs group in the UK. It will try to help people from NGOs\, or thos e working on their behalf\, chat together and maybe help each other out wi th hints\, tips and experience. We want people to raise and hopefully solv e as many problems and queries as possible. \n\nIt will be a chaired 'roun d table' discussion\, where everyone gets a chance to say something and we all try to help out. That way NGOs (and their developers) will be able to communciate with other NGOs (and their developers) so they can use Drupal more efficiently.\n\nThis will not be a tech-focused\, service-focused or product-focused session: it's intended to be primarily for the benefit of any NGOs taking part. It should be friendly and welcoming\, so come along if you work in that sector!\n\n(If you're selling something\, you're welc ome to come along\, but the emphasis will be on the NGOs and people who wo rk with them.) DTSTART:20100824T100000 DTEND:20100824T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Drupal for NGOs and not-for-profits END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAriane Khachatourians\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager \, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nFor mem bers of Drupalchix! Come discuss issues and experiences surrounding being a woman working in Drupal. (Note: this session is for female members of th e Drupal community\, and Genderqueer + Trans more than welcome.)\n\nThis B OF is meant for the women of Drupal to come together to talk about: \n\n- Women in tech/Drupal\n- How sex and gender have shaped your experience of working in the Drupal community\n- How we can mentor each other and increa se the ratio of women working in Drupal and open source\n\nAnd to meet eac h other and have fun\, of course! DTSTART:20100824T100000 DTEND:20100824T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Drupalchix! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJozef Toth\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediat e\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Designer\, Themer\n\n---------------------- -----\n\nAre you sick of hearing 'Drupal is ugly'? Are you devoted to chan ge that and make Drupal sites look awesome? Join the gang of Drupal design ers and start sharing and promoting your designs\, write blog posts and ma king the Drupal side of Internet prettier.\n\nCome and discuss the future\ , purpose and features of website\, join the Beta test ers\, participate in the process of creating the Drupal designers communit y. DTSTART:20100824T133000 DTEND:20100824T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nwalshtechnet\nIvo Radulovski\n\n\nExperience: Begi nner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\n As an open source platform and content management system (CMS) for buildin g dynamic web sites\, Drupal is establishing itself as a leader among soci al software solutions for governmental\, intergovernmental\, and nongovern mental organizations. Having already gained a small but significant share of the domestic and worldwide public sector CMS market\, the solution appe ars on-track for continued growth. The expanding list of high-profile gove rnment organizations adopting the solution\, along with its recent recogni tion by industry analyst Gartner as a visionary product in the marketplace \, will only accelerate its growth. This growth has already been realized in select countries\, particularly the US\, where government adoption has reached a tipping point. Let's discuss how to drive similar adoption acros s Europe. DTSTART:20100824T144500 DTEND:20100824T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Drupal in the Public Sector (Government) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRagni Serina Zlotos\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, In termediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nThere are several newer Drupal projects and vendors in Norway. Maybe those who are at DrupalCon in Copenhagen could get together and get to know each other? Come with your curiousity\, questions and topics to talk about. Some topi cs could be:\n\n- Drupal and the two/three written languages in the popula tionwise small country\n- Could or should we organize a Drupal BarCamp or meetup\, and where?\n- General networking for support and commerce. Or som ething like that\, less cheesy. DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Drupal in Norway END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nMoshe Weitzman\nAdrian Rossouw\n\n\nExperience: Be ginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Projec t Manager\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nLets talk drush. Beginners and ninja's welcome. Lets help each other.\n\nlorem ipsu m lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum l orem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lor em ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem i psumlorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlo rem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsum DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Drush END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJeff Veit\nTim Millwood\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\ , Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manag er\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nMeet and discuss London 2011. If you are interested in helping move the London 2011 DrupalCon forward\, then come along and meet everyone else.\n\nThis i s a chance to meet in person if you are already helping\, and a chance to find out what is going on\, and to get involved if you are not already hel ping. DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:DrupalCon London 2011 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nSteve Parks\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermedia te\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designe r\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nDrupal now has a rapidly growing global community\, and seasoned professionals find it diff icult to keep up with everything that's going on - let alone the daunted n ewbies that are just joining.\n\nI believed it was time to have a curated source of independent journalism about Drupal and its community - so I set up Drupalradar a month ago to do this.\n\nSince then I've been approached by lots of people who are also interested in this\, so I agreed to setup a BoF for us all to get together to discuss it.\n\nYou may want to attend this if....\n\n1. You want to help out in some way with DrupalRadar - writ ing\, editing\, photography\, technical etc\n2. You run some other way of reporting Drupal - website\, podcast\, etc - and you want to share experie nce or see how different outlets for reporting Drupal can collaborate and share resources.\n3. You're a reader/listener/viewer of the services repor ting on Drupal and you want to have your say to improve them\, give the pe ople behind them your guidance\n4. You're interested in journalism about D rupal generally\n\nThis session is organised by Steve Parks\, editor of Dr - the independent magazine for the Drupal community. You can contact me on IRC or via skype as 'steveparks' or email editor@drupalrada with any questions/suggestions about this BoF.\n\nSee you there! DTSTART:20100825T133000 DTEND:20100825T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Reporting Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nChris Cohen\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermedia te\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Develop er\n\n---------------------------\n\nPlease note this session has been mov ed from the earlier time of 10:00-10:50.\n\nUp until now\, CRMs have been accessible through API modules\, or partially integrated such as CiviCRM. Creating a Drupal CRM will be no easy task\, so we're gathering to discuss how to proceed with this mammoth undertaking.\n\nThe CRM will be develope d for Drupal 7 and\, resources permitting\, be backported to Drupal 6.\n\n The key issues for discussion:\n\n* Will DCRM use profile2 entities to rep resent contacts\, and if so\, what needs to be included?\n* Will DCRM prov ide extra field types\, such as profile_reference fields?\n* Will DCRM pro vide views?\n* What other UI tools should DCRM provide?\n\nPlease do come along and show your support and enthusiasm for creating a proper Drupal CR M!\n\nFor more information on the project to date\, please see http://www. and if you would like to raise an issue for discussion at this session\, even if you can't be there in person\, please post it here or a t DTSTART:20100825T133000 DTEND:20100825T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:DrupalCRM: a native Drupal-based CRM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nIsabell Schulz\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\n\n--------------------------- \n\nOrganising a DrupalCon is just like any other project.\nI will be goin g through the organisation of a DrupalCon illustrating and covering organi sational internal and external processes\, decision-making processes\, man aging a team of volunteers and responsibilities.\n\nIn preparation\, you n eed to define the what\, where\, when\, how\, who and how much it costs.\n \n\nHow do you set up deadlines?\n\n\nWhat are the specifications?\n\n\nHo w is the communication organised?\n\n\nHow much room do you need to leave for additional development during the realisation?\n\n\nHow do you determi ne the price?\n\n\nWho is the conference aimed at?\n\n\nWho has got the po wer to make decisions?\n\n\nHow are decisions made?\n\n\nWho has the docum ented and the real responsibilities for what?\n\n\nWhat is the goal?\n\n\n \nIn addition\, other issues will come up during the realisation:\n\n\nHow to work with a team of volunteers?\n\n\nWhat tools do you use?\n\n\nHow d o you deal with things that you couldn't possibly think of at the beginnin g?\n\n\nHow do you adapt to minor and bigger changes?\n\n\n\nAfter a week of DrupalCon\, the work doesn't stop there. Ideally\, we learn how to make it better next time or reproduce what went perfectly this time. DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Organising a DrupalCon END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nCampbell Vertesi\nMichael Priest\nJohn Snow\nKyle Cunningham\nMichael Haggerty\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Ex pert\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer\n\n----------- ----------------\n\nWe are planning the next generation of Activism functi onality for Drupal 7\, integrating CiviCRM with functionality that many no n-profits could really use. Letters to legislators\, online petitions\, ' tell a friend' campaigns\, and more. We are building this as an open fram ework\, that anyone can extend to add more functionality\, different CRM s ystems\, and other advanced features. \n\nCome and talk about what functi onality you think non-profits need most. What are the most effective ways to reach out to activists? How do you track a campaign for change? How do you rate success? What CRM functionality is absolutely required\, and can it all be built into Drupal? Help answer these questions\, and more: help build the most open framework possible\, so that even if we get these questions wrong\, people can get them right in the future!\n\nDrupal coul d be the platform of choice for non-profits and activist organizations the world over - all we need is to put the tools into their hands. Help us m ake change through Drupal! DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 3 SUMMARY:Drupal for Change: building an open framework for activists END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nPhillip Lamb\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermedi ate\n\nFocus: Project Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nA number o f organizations are struggling to fill their drupal developer positions. W hile this is not a bad thing by any stretch for those of us already versed in Drupal-ese\, it's going to be important to get new developers up to sp eed. Come to this BOF and share your ideas and training methodologies\, or come with questions if you're just getting started with training. DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Drupalers: The Next Generation - Training new drupal developers END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJeremy Blanchard\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Inter mediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer\n \n---------------------------\n\nThis session will cover how Drupal can be used by activists\, community organizers and other small teams of people (in any setting) to manage projects effectively. I'd love to discuss this with everyone interested in activism\, project management and Drupal.\n\nT he session will cover:\n\n* How activists can get the most out of Drupal b y using a variety of tools\n* What the Drupal community can do to facilita te better project management tools for activists\n* When CiviCRM\, Open At rium and Activism Labs are each most suitable for a site\n* A demo of Acti vism Labs\, the tool I created this summer for Drupal as part of my Google Summer of Code project.\n\nDrupal is very popular in the non-profit commu nity and CiviCRM does a good job at helping users manage various aspects i nvolved in running a non-profit. It does not have functionality for actual ly running a campaign or completing a project.\n\nOpen Atrium does a good job at providing a project management framework\, but as an activist\, I s aw many places for improvement.\n\nAs a Google Summer of Code student for Drupal\, I am developing modules to facilitate better project management. These tools are being developed at Activism Labs: DTSTART:20100825T160000 DTEND:20100825T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Activism\, Project Management and Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAlan Palazzolo\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Interme diate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Deve loper\n\n---------------------------\n\nIt's all about place. There's a l ot going on in the Drupal-verse these days that are focusing on geo-relate d technologies. Let's discuss the projects that exists\, upcoming ones\, and where we should go as a community!\n\nWhat we should talk about\n\n\nW hat is going on? Modules? Initiatives?\nWhat is missing?\nWhere do we go from here?\nHow do we get there?\n\n\nDiscussion threads\n\n\nhttp://grou\n\nhttp://dc200\n -geo-cms\n\n\n\nList of modules\n(have at least a 6.x version)\n\n p\n\n\nhttp ://\n\nh ttp://\n\nhttp:/ /\n\nhttp ://\n geo\n\n \n\n\nhttp: //\n\nhttp://d\n\nhtt p://\n\nhttp://d\n\nhttp://dru\n\nImage: World render from OpenStreetMap\, li censed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. DTSTART:20100825T160000 DTEND:20100825T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Drupal and Geographic Technologies END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\ Jean-Baptiste Ingold\n\n\nExperienc e: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, P roject Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nDrupal has now at least t wo community products usable out of the box. & h ttp://\n+ targeting targe ts community media (that should go out shortly)\n+ facebook like feature h ttp://\n\nThere is a need to see how thos e projects compare and are able to 'compete' with non-Drupal products.\n\n The output of this brainstorming session could be a list of features based on a competition analysis focused on the most successful of each targeted audience :\n-With enterprises in mind we could focus on http://sharepoint & in SaaS mode\n-With a genera l audience in mind or in SaaS mode \n\nThat way we may be able to coordinate our efforts and see what our wea knesses and strengths are.\n\nThis opening informal session is meand to co mplement the sessions of the official shedule :\n /sessions/acquia-sponsored-session : accelerating drupal adoption through SaaS\, distros and more\n p-you-build-community-website\nBOF sessions :\n essions/drupal-commons-social-business-software\n /sessions/federated-social-web-and-drupal\n(The BOF session just before ha nd)\n\nReshedule from unconference session Monday that was canceled\n\nBas ed on previous discussions on GDO\n\n\n\n\nThere are lot of participants who c ould give a valuable input outside of the conference. We will use Ustream and I schedule it at 3PM European time / 9AM in the US. DTSTART:20100825T171500 DTEND:20100825T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:BrainStorming : Community products usable out of the box : How is D rupal able to "\;compete"\;? END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nMori Sugimoto\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermed iate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer\n\n-- -------------------------\n\nScrum is a very useful framework to help you stay in control of Drupal projects. But you need to know its limitations a nd also customise it appropreately to suit your projects.\n\nThe main aim of this BoF is to discuss and exchange practical information on the use of Scrum in real projects and therefore no presentation is planned. DTSTART:20100825T171500 DTEND:20100825T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Scrum in real life END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nPhillip Lamb\nNicolas Deschildre\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Developer\n\n--------------------------- \n\nNOTE: THIS WILL HAPPEN AFTER 18h00. Crazy idea #106\,918\,294.2: How m ight we go about building a brewery with a Drupal backend? Meet over drink s at a bar not yet determined to figure out how we can take microcontrolle rs\, a wifi network\, Drush and Drupal to build a real working brewery! Ke ep an eye on hashtag #brewitwithdrupal for future info. DTSTART:20100825T171500 DTEND:20100825T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Brew It with Drupal! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJustin Hellings\nRandy Fay\n\n\nExperience: Beginn er\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Developer\n\n------------------------ ---\n\nBring your laptop along in order to go step by step through the pro cess of installing Zend Debugger and Eclipse IDE and getting them to work together. If you were convinced by Randy's 'Debugging Drupal: Hands-on tec hniques' session and want a more sophisticated way to understand the state of your code than littering it with dsm() calls then this BoF is for you. DTSTART:20100826T090000 DTEND:20100826T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Debugger installation END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJoeri Poesen\nReinier Battenberg\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Deve loper\n\n---------------------------\n\nMost people think of famine\, war\ , disease\, hopelessness and big bucketloads of sand when Africa is mentio ned. That's a shame really because Africa is\, in many respects\, a conti nent on the move.\n\nIn this BOF we look at the current state of Drupal in Africa: pitfalls and possibilities. What is happing today\, what is happe ning tomorrow and where can you fit in? Topics include geodata\, local cac hing\, capacity building\, mobile app development and education. DTSTART:20100826T100000 DTEND:20100826T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Drupal in Africa END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nKen Rickard\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermedia te\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designe r\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nFrom the panel de scription:\n\nWorking with Drupal brings the power of its community to wor k for you. But it also involves you in that community in ways that you mig ht not expect. We'll cover some of the hidden costs of bringing Drupal int o your organization\, plus the resources you will need in order to keep yo ur project sustainable.\n\nThis will feature lively panel discussion cover ing best practices for Drupal contributions maintainers and the rights and responsibilities of Drupal users.\n\nTopics that we will cover:\n\n* What are the rights and responsibilities of Open-Source developers?\n* What ar e the rights and responsibilities of Open-Source users?\n* How to manage c ode effectively on\n* What defines a stable release?\n* Working with the security team\n* The care and feeding of maintainers: (i.e. how to get your issue fixed).\n* Why we’re ignoring you: simple ways to get your issue black-holed. DTSTART:20100826T100000 DTEND:20100826T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 3 SUMMARY:Drupal Rights and Responsibilities working group END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nBarry Madore\nWilbur Ince\nJeremiah Davis\nAllie M icka\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Developer\n\n---------------------------\n\nThe Pay module provides onlin e payment handling in Drupal. Sometimes you need a simple way to receive p ayments from your Drupal site without the complexity of a shopping cart. Pay provides the ability to add a payment form to your site -- or to a spe cific piece of content on your site -- and enable a single-click payment t ransaction. No cart\, no check-out necessary. \n\nPay does the heavy-lif ting of transactions:\n\nprovides online payment form with the necessary f ields for payment transactions\nsecurely sends the information from a paym ent form to the payment processor (can be extended for multiple backend pa yment services)\nstores non-secure payment data in Drupal for tracking and integration with other data from the site\n\n\nWith Pay as a stand-alone transaction API\, front-end modules can be built for specific uses like ti cket sales or crowd-source funding (two examples currently in development) and hand the actual transactions on to Pay. \n\nPay is in active developm ent and is already in use on production websites. Come explore Pay's curr ent functionality and discuss the development roadmap. We're eager for yo ur input and ideas on furthering the development of this important module. \n\nRead more about the Pay API with a use-case example on the Advantage L abs site. DTSTART:20100826T100000 DTEND:20100826T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Pay module: paying for stuff with Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAndrew Burcin\nJakub Suchy\nEric Johnson\n\n\nExpe rience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Make r\, Project Manager\, Developer\n\n---------------------------\n\nIf you a re interested in having high quality video on your website\, you will be i nterested to learn more at the The Brightcove video platform BoF. The tech nical director of Brightcove and the Drupal module creators will be there to answer all your questions.\n\nLorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum L orem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum . DTSTART:20100826T133000 DTEND:20100826T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 3 SUMMARY:Using Brightcove video services in your Drupal site END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nChristian Ziegler\nMarkus Rössler\nThomas Renner \nIvo Radulovski\nZeljko Puljic\nWolfgang Ziegler\n\n\nExperience: Beginne r\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Man ager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nIn this BoF we would like to exchange ideas and experiences in several differ ent areas\, including:\n\n• Current situation of Drupal Community in Aus tria\n\n• Increase public awareness regarding Drupal in Austria and rega rding potentials of Drupal Community in Austria in particular\n\n• Excha nge with people from all around the world regarding this issues. We believ e that our challenges in Austria are probably not as specific and speciall y related to Austria as they might appear at the first glance. Tell us abo ut your experiences regarding promotion of Drupal & Community and help us seeding good practices further!\n\n DTSTART:20100826T133000 DTEND:20100826T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Bringing Austrian Drupal community further END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRandy Fay\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate \, Expert\n\nFocus: Developer\n\n---------------------------\n\nRequiremen ts: \nAn internet-connected computer (Windows\, Mac\, or Linux\, or VAX/VM S if it has Git)\nGit installed and command-line access to it\nThe patch t ool\n\n\nIf you don't have these things\, we'll help you set them up.\n\nT he resources page in the presentation has links to places to get you start ed on a Git install.\n\nAnybody is welcome to this.\n\nIt might be too hig h level for you if you completely hate the command line.\nIt might be too low level for you if you've done anything with git. DTSTART:20100826T144500 DTEND:20100826T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Git Basic Training for Drupal Contributors: Hands On END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRichard Jones\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermed iate\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, T hemer\n\n---------------------------\n\nThis informal session is to carry on the discussion from the end of my presentation on in yesterday. At the end\, a lot of people had questions and wanted to see more\, but w e didn't have enough time to fit them all in. If we can get this session i n the schedule\, I'll be around to answer any questions. DTSTART:20100826T144500 DTEND:20100826T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Axe Follow up - Intro to Startpoint END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nEdward O'Riordan\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Inter mediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Designer\n\n---------------------------\n\nWe w ould like people interested in design to meet and discuss what design succ ess in Drupal would be. Following up on 'Design 4 Drupal - no more fugly!' we would like to hear ideas about what the future role of design in Drupa l should be. Help us formulate the questions and find some answers. \n\nBy the end of the session we hope to have a concrete idea about how people w ant design to work as part of the Drupal ecostystem and have to some plans toward bringing these changes about. DTSTART:20100826T144500 DTEND:20100826T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 3 SUMMARY:Design for Drupal (2) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nBarry Madore\nHeather James\nSofian\n\n\nExperienc e: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\n\n ---------------------------\n\nIn his Drupalcon keynote yesterday\, Dries noted once again the necessity of increasing the number of skilled Drupal practitioners to sustain the Drupal project's trajectory. The Drupal confe rence itself\, it has been pointed out\, mainly attracts the (aging) faith ful. Encouraging new talent and growing the skills of the newly interested is really the challenge. We should be taking this challenge on as our job . \n\nSome of us do and have built a business model around the idea of sus taining an evolving Drupal ecosystem via a variety of training\, collabora tion and community organizing techniques.\n\nThere are no official session s addressing this critical aspect of sustaining the Drupal culture and the Drupal project itself. But now there is a Birds of a Feather discussion s cheduled to explore on-the-ground methods of skill-building\, knowledge tr ansfer and the business models that can arise around them.\n\nCo-organizer s Barry Madore (Advantage Labs)\, Heather James (Acquia) and Sofian Benais sa (Koumbit) each bring a unique perspective and experience to the discuss ion. Advantage Labs has pioneered tiered services for Drupal developers a nd end-users including their innovative 'Lab session' model. Heather head s up Acquia's training initiative and uses creative visualization techniqu es in her work. Sofian comes from a Drupal-focused worker's collective in Montréal born from the needs of a group of committed technologists worki ng in the activist and NGO spheres.\n\nJoin us for discussion and idea sha ring. \n\n===============\nFYI: More ideas for discussion are outlined b elow in the original 'Developing Drupal Communities of Practice' session p roposal\n===============\n\nDrupal thrives when it is supported by robust communities of both Drupal users and developers. To ignite these communiti es we need to provide opportunities for people to learn about Drupal and h ow it can help them. To sustain these communities we need to provide suppo rt and opportunities for growth.\n\nWe have all participated in communitie s of interest\, where a group of people interested in a topic organize and share information. In the Drupal community\, this means:\n\n* Attending u ser group meetings\n* Coming to DrupalCON\n* Participating in events and t raining sessions\n* Posting questions and solutions in Drupal forums and I RC channels\n\nBut where do we go from here? Communities of interest need to evolve into something that cultural anthropologist Etienne Wenger calls 'communities of practice.' A community of practice is no longer just inte rested people\, it's a group of active practitioners who hone their craft though hands-on\, participatory and collaborative activities. Working toge ther\, members solve their day-to-day problems and learn new skills.\n\nIn the Twin Cities\, we are building on the thriving community of interest a nd evolving a Drupal-focused community of practice. Developers\, community managers and end-users do more with Drupal by:\n\n* Participating in a De velopers Alliance (Drupal consultancy support program)\n* Building Drupal development businesses and collectives\n* Attending study groups and drop- in support groups\n* Collaborating on projects\n* Learning how to provide documentation and participate directly with the Drupal community at large \n\nCommunities of practice increase skill-building\, business growth and contribute more to the Drupal community -- from the ground up rather than from the top down. It's in everyone's best interest to foster and support local communities of practice.\n\nIn this session we'll detail our process for supporting a community of practice demonstrating how this benefits Dr upal businesses and Drupal itself. Come share your ideas and take away new strategies. DTSTART:20100826T144500 DTEND:20100826T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 4 SUMMARY:Drupal X 10: growing our community END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nDave Hall\nAdrian Rossouw\nAntoine Beaupré\n\n\nE xperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Project Ma nager\, Developer\n\n---------------------------\n\nThere is a lot happeni ng with Aegir these days. \n\nThe BoF will provide an excellent opportuni ty for users and developers to get together and talk about the project. W hat are the long terms plans are for Aegir? How are you using Aegir? How are others using it? What can we learn from each other? The questions al ong with others will be raised and (hopefully) answered during the session .\n\nCome along an influence the how we build Skynet using Drupal! DTSTART:20100826T160000 DTEND:20100826T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 1 SUMMARY:Aegir END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202129Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nBarry Jaspan\n\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermedi ate\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\n\n------------------------ ---\n\nDrupal Commons liberates you and your community from the tyranny of costly proprietary social software. A ready-to-use solution for building either internal or external communities\, Drupal Commons takes the guesswo rk out of building a Drupal-based community site by providing:\n\n * Fr eedom of assembly\, giving your community members easy\, familiar ways to connect with one another\, and participate in your community\;\n * Free dom from technology limits\, liberating you to extend and adapt your socia l community site any way you need to your or your communities needs\;\n * Freedom from software license costs\, sparing you from spending half of your community building budget on expensive proprietary software license fees.\n\nCome ask questions\, tell us what you'd like Commons to do for yo u\, and meet other Drupal Commons users. DTSTART:20100826T160000 DTEND:20100826T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, BOF space 2 SUMMARY:Drupal Commons: Social Business Software END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR