BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:DrupalCon Copenhagen X-WR-CALDESC:Sessions and BOF's at DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Copenhagen BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nStuart Broz\n\n\nTrack: Providing Professional Dru pal Services\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Cur ious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------- -----------------\n\nThis session will focus on opening your mind to the p oint of view of your clients. Whether you are working for a non-profit\, a corporation\, or your mom... we will cover some tricks that will help you understand what they want even if they can't explain it to you in Drupals peak.\n\nUltimately\, the aim of this session is to help you build skills that will enable you to understand your client's desires. Your clients get the Drupal site that they want. Your save time and energy (and money and aggravation) while you build it. This leaves both you and your client happ y.\n\nIn particular\, we will look at:\n\nIdentifying the type of client y ou're dealing with and anticipating communication gaps\nTranslating client -speak into functional requirements\nThings Drupal makes hard that clients think should be easy\, and how to satisfy your clients without rebuilding the world\nThings Drupal makes easy that clients expect to be hard\, and how to impress your clients\nThe importance of incremental training\nHow t o go beyond functional requirements to make those small changes that make all the difference\n\n\nThe presenter\, Stuart Broz\, is a project manager with Trellon\, where he works primarily with nonprofits and academic inst itutions. Before coming to Trellon\, he worked as both a nonprofit project director and an academic professional. DTSTART:20100824T133000 DTEND:20100824T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:See Through Their Eyes: How to Anticipate The Needs of Your Clients END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJakob Persson\n\n\nTrack: Providing Professional D rupal Services\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: D ecision Maker\, Project Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nAlmost a ll clients who approach your agency about a project want to know up front what the total cost will be. They hand you some loose notes and expect a f ixed number of hours or price. To many this presents an impossible task. W hat is often forgotten is that an exact estimate isn't expected. What you need to produce is one that is accurate enough to close the sale. In this session you'll learn a method for producing early estimates to support you r sales process.\n\nIn this talk I will introduce an early estimation meth od we've developed at NodeOne. It's being used daily in our own sales proc ess. Using this method we're able to tell a client early on the expected s ize of a project\, judge the response and can adapt our sales pitch. Using it we close sales faster and provide estimates early on allowing our clie nts to make early decisions regarding the scope and focus of the project. \n\nYou will learn how to:\n- Within an hour or two get a picture of the c lient's requirements\n- Use fixed estimates to manage uncertainty\n- Break requirements down into features\n- Draft an early rough Drupal solution t hat outlines how each feature is made\n- Produce estimates that are based on experience instead of guesswork\n\nThis talk is presented by Jakob Pers son\, co-founder of NodeOne. Jakob works as a project manager and Drupal s olutions architect at NodeOne. His infatuation with Drupal began in late 2 005. DTSTART:20100824T144500 DTEND:20100824T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:A method for getting early estimates right END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nVesa Palmu\n\n\nTrack: Providing Professional Drup al Services\n\nExperience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Man ager\n\n---------------------------\n\nAfter working some 15 years with we b projects I have been both service provider and customer for a large numb er of different projects. I've seen and tried number of different methods how to run web projects. After both success and failure I have come to rea lize that agile scrum can fail just as easily as traditional waterfall mod els do when dealing with Drupal projects.\n\nDrupal in it's current versio ns can't really decide if it is a framework or a product and this creates some unique headaches for project managers and customers. To make things e ven more complicated most efficient project management models focus on hav ing the team physically in one room and many companies are either virtual or at least geographically split in multiple locations.\n\nIn this session I will speak about our experiences on different ways of doing Drupal proj ects and present our current best practices for successful projects. There are no silver bullets\, but many practical ideas both small and large. I will also challenge the audience to share their experiences\, tips and ide as. DTSTART:20100824T160000 DTEND:20100824T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:The Drupal Process - Great Projects\, No Slavery Required END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nDiana Montalion Dupuis\n\n\nTrack: Providing Profe ssional Drupal Services\n\nExperience: Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Cur ious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n \n---------------------------\n\nYou know how to *use* Drupal. You know ho w to write code\, build a theme\, and SEO a site. But do you know how to t each others to use Drupal? For every site we create there are clients who must use it\, many don't know a node from a block. After this session\, you will be able to introduce clients to Drupal without freaking them out. \n\nWe'll cover:\n\nDefining 'need to know' and emphasizing main concepts \nThinking like a user\, talking like a mentor\nUsing normal words with a sprinkling of Drupalese\nBreaking down tasks keeping each user's personali ty and background in mind\nChanging style based on feedback\nTranslating ' my site's broken' into a useful and respectful response\nHow to think like a non-geek (for a few minutes)\n\n\n\nImage credit\n\nstop that pigeon! o n Flickr (CC BY-NC). DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:Teaching Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nKristof Van Tomme\n\n\nTrack: Providing Profession al Drupal Services\n\nExperience: Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\n Are you still not using Drupal to manage your projects? Since July 2009 ex cuses are running thin. And if Open Atrium didn’t do everything you ever expected from your project management system\, it’s about time that we join forces and build our own dog food.\n\nIn this session I’ll present a review of Drupal built tools for project management. You'll get an intro duction to Open Atrium and the tools we developed for Knowledge and Projec t management in Open Atrium. \n\nAfter this introduction I’m going to ta ke you down the rabbit hole and imagine a perfect world in which we have t ools that do things no single generic project management tool will ever be able to do.\n\nI’ll explain how we could build a set of community resou rces that will add another collaboration layer on top of our platform. Too ls such as: \na documentation service that not only documents Drupal\, but where we can share documentation for common use cases\na configuration du mp tool that let’s you analyze and compare full site configurations\na f ederated project management tool that makes it easy for Drupal freelancers and companies to collaborate in a shared environment\n\npicture by http:/ / found at y4k/208810939/ under DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:Drupal project management tools: time to build our own dogfood END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRasmus Frey\nMartin Elneff\n\n\nTrack: Providing P rofessional Drupal Services\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Exper t\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\n\n-------------------------- -\n\nWhen Rasmus Frey was 7 years old\, his parents took him to the larges t buffet in the world\, at the CircusCircus Hotel in Las Vegas. Confronted with the overwhelming abundance of the table\, Mr. Frey was confused. Thi s session is about what happens when you try to serve everything at once: You go to bed hungry.\n\nWe’ll talk about how we can create improvements through an incremental approach\, one step at a time. These days - Drupal being the cat’s pyjamas and all - small studios such as ours suddenly h ave the capacity to provide large scale enterprise solutions. This present s a shift in the way that we work with our clients\, developers\, and sub- contractors. One night stands\, it turns out\, just aren't as satisfying a s long term relationships.\n\nChanging our approach presents us with numer ous challenges (resource management\, maintaining the big picture of both strategy and development)\, improvements (avoiding scope creep\, creating better solutions)\, and possibilities (true collaboration with your client ).\n\nOn a more practical level\, we'll show you how we apply the incremen tal design and development in our day-to-day business through concrete exa mples of long term collaboration with our clients.\n\nCo-presenter is Mart in Elneff from Ping Pong Design\, @elneff DTSTART:20100825T160000 DTEND:20100825T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:Creating better solutions through incremental change END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nTodd Nienkerk\nThomas Barregren\nMatt Cheney\nAddi son Berry\nTiffany Farriss\nLiza Kindred\nAaron Stanush\nVesa Palmu\nEric Gundersen\n\n\nTrack: Providing Professional Drupal Services\n\nExperience : Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Desig ner\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nRunning a Drupa l consulting firm requires much more than Drupal development or design ski lls. You need excellent customer service\, sales\, project management\, op erations\, accounting\, recruiting\, human resources — the list is huge! So how do successful Drupal firms make it all work?\n\nWe'll look past Dr upal for an hour and focus on what it takes to run a successful consulting firm. We've assembled a top-notch panel of Drupal firm owners and manager s to discuss what works for them and why. Addison Berry of Lullabot will m oderate the discussion\, and the floor will be open for questions.\n\nPane lists include:\n\n\nTodd Nienkerk\, Four Kitchens\nAaron Stanush\, Four Ki tchens\nThomas Barregren\, NodeOne\nVesa Palmu\, Mearra\nMatt Cheney\, Cha pter Three\nLiza Kindred\, Lullabot\nEric Gundersen\, Development Seed\nTi ffany Farriss\, Palantir\n\n\nThis panel was inspired by DrupalCon San Fra ncisco's excellent Best practices for managing a Drupal firm session.\n\nI mage credit: Richard Rutter on Flickr (CC BY). DTSTART:20100825T171500 DTEND:20100825T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 19 Acquia SUMMARY:Panel: Managing a Drupal consulting firm END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202112Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJacob Singh\nChris Brookins\n\n\nTrack: Providing Professional Drupal Services\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expe rt\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, The mer\n\n---------------------------\n\nAcquia's engineering team have been building DrupalGardens at a fast pace for the past year and now that we ar e heading into open beta we decided it was time to open up and share what has worked well with the community. Chris Brookins (VP Engineering)\, Line a Rowe (Director Product Management) and Jacob Singh (Principal Engineer) will take you through a 21-day sprint in the life of the Drupal Gardens te am. \n\nThis session is for:\n\n Engineering managers trying to inspire t heir teams to greatness while watching the bottom line.\nProject/Product m anagers looking for ideas on how to respond quickly to the market while ma intaining product and team stability.\nDevelopers who are tired of death m arches\, out-of-touch management\, community isolation and waterfall docum entation quagmires.\nDesigners looking for ways to keep ahead of the devel opers\, and still have time to research and UX test\n\n\nOur team practice s Agile by planning\, designing\, implementing\, releasing and marketing i n 3 week sprints. This session will take you through our process and demo nstrate the benefits realized and challenges we've faced working with cons tant change.\n\nHere are a few of the areas we'll be covering:\n\nOverview of Scrum and planning: planning\, research\, velocity\, retrospectives.\n Drupal is a shifting landscape. Dependencies on open source software means you have to be agile in your requirements and goals.\nHow to manage a bac klog\nReleasing often: quicker feedback\, more marketing opportunities.\nC ommunity contribution: team morale and product sustainability\nAutomated t esting and deployment - working towards the 5 minute build. DTSTART:20100826T090000 DTEND:20100826T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:A sprint in the life of a highly agile Drupal development organizat ion. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR