BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:DrupalCon Copenhagen X-WR-CALDESC:Sessions and BOF's at DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Copenhagen BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nJeffrey A. McGuire\nRobert Douglass\n\n\nTrack: In troducing Drupal\n\nExperience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Make r\n\n---------------------------\n\nHow do I get the most out of Drupal? H ow does it all work? What sessions should I go to at DrupalCon?\n\nProvidi ng support for Drupal sites and projects of all sizes and helping users wi th a wide variety of experience levels at Acquia has given us some insight into the most common questions about getting to know Drupal and how it ca n best work for you.\n\nIn this session\, we'll touch on many subjects tha t come up when trying to decide whether or not to use Drupal and how to ge t started with it once that decision has been made. We want to give you en ough information to get off to a good start\, make smart choices\, and get the most out of your time at DrupalCon.\n\nWe'll also provide specific po inters to other sessions and opportunities where additional information ab out each of our topics can be picked up while at DrupalCon.\n\nSome of the things we'll cover:\n\n * Drupal terminology\n * What goes on under the hood\n * Creating custom content\n * What is taxonomy anyway?\n * Re-using content in Drupal\n * Getting a team working together on a Drupal project\n * Themeing: How can I make my site look good?\n * Parlez-vous Français? Internationalization\n * and more! DTSTART:20100824T090000 DTEND:20100824T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Welcome to Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nLisa Rex\nTodd Nienkerk\nKieran Lal\nNeil Drumm\n \n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Exp ert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Deve loper\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\ is undergoing a massive change. It's our home and playground. It's also a public face of Drupal. In this session\, some of the team discuss:\n\n\nWhy n eeded a redesign\nHow the redesign project is also a redevelopm ent\, and the technical challenges we face\nWhat project management strate gies worked\, and what didn't\, and what we're learning along the way\nWhy the Drupal Association had to hire people\nOverview of our contributors\n \n\nOne thing is certain\, this is not your typical open source project. DTSTART:20100824T133000 DTEND:20100824T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:The Future of END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAngela Byron\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nExp erience: Beginner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Proj ect Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n--------------------------- \n\nSince February 2008\, the community has been hard at work on Drupal 7\ , which is rapidly nearing completion (or possibly already complete \;)). This revolutionary new release sports literally hundreds of improvements\ , and Angela Byron\, the Drupal 7 co-maintainer\, will lead you through th e most important ones and how they'll impact your future site building end eavors.\n\nGet answers to your frequently asked questions\, learn about th e changes are coming down the pipe for clients\, site builders\, designers \, and developers\, find out more about the core development process\, and take away some action items for what you can do to help make Drupal 7 the most awesome release of Drupal yet! DTSTART:20100824T144500 DTEND:20100824T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Drupal 7: What you need to know END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nLin Clark\nscor\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\n Experience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager \n\n---------------------------\n\nDrupal is leading the way by being the first major CMS to embrace the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF. Rest ricted to the academic world for many years\, these technologies have matu red with time up to the point of being used by new standards like Facebook ’s Open Graph protocol and major companies like Google\, Yahoo!\, New Yo rk Times\, BBC\, etc. Over the years\, there has been multiple attempts to integrate RDF and Drupal with many contributed modules like Relationship\ , Semantic Search or FOAF. Drupal 6 saw a plethora of RDF based modules\, which eventually lead to the integration of RDFa in Drupal 7.\n\nIn this s ession you will learn:\n\nWhat is the Semantic Web and all its buzz words like Linked Data\, RDF\, FOAF\, SIOC\, SPARQL\nWhat components of core are using RDF\nHow is RDF seen by machines\, and why it’s useful\nQuick ove rview of RDF in contrib\nRDF recipes: how to build a site using RDF\n\n\nT his introductory session is for those are new to the Semantic Web and curi ous to know what it is\, and how it is integrated in Drupal. There are als o two related BoF's:\n\nRDF in Drupal 7 Roadmap and Brainstorming\nUsing R DF / Semantic Web Modules DTSTART:20100824T160000 DTEND:20100824T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Introduction to the Semantic Web and RDF in Drupal 7 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRyan Szrama\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nExpe rience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\, Project Manager\n\n------------------ ---------\n\nAdding content to Drupal is easy. Right out of the box you ca n create pages with specific menu items and articles that promote to your front page with minimal effort. But what if you need more? Come to this se ssion to find out how Drupal's core systems empower you to create and disp lay any number of custom content types.\n\nThis session is aimed at beginn ers. It will cover the following topics in the format of a walkthrough to introduce new Drupal users to the major concepts involved in building\, di splaying\, and managing content on their Drupal site:\n\n\nCreating custom content types\nCreating menu items for individual pieces of content\nVisi bility settings: published\, promoted\, and sticky\nAdding fields to conte nt types\nControlling the display of custom fields\nManaging content in co re\nStrategies for managing content with Views and Flag\n\n\nUnless there' s just an abundance of time left at the end of this session\, we won't dig deep into Views. That would be better served by its own devoted session o r the after-chatter. Views in this session will only be mentioned in the c ontext of strategies and possibilities for displaying and managing content on a Drupal site.\n\nPhoto credit: rjesson/ / CC BY-NC 2.0 DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Building Content Types and Displaying Content END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nKen Rickard\nGábor Hojtsy\nLarry Garfield\nMoshe Weitzman\nGeorge DeMet\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nExperience: Begin ner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nWorking with Drupal b rings the power of its community to work for you. But it also involves you in that community in ways that you might not expect. We'll cover some of the hidden costs of bringing Drupal into your organization\, plus the res ources you will need in order to keep your project sustainable.\n\nThis wi ll feature lively panel discussion covering best practices for Drupal cont ributions maintainers and the rights and responsibilities of Drupal users. \n\nTopics that we will cover:\n\n * What are the rights and responsibi lities of Open-Source developers?\n * What are the rights and responsib ilities of Open-Source users?\n * How to manage code effectively on Dru\n * What defines a stable release?\n * Working with the secu rity team\n * The care and feeding of maintainers: (i.e. how to get you r issue fixed).\n * Why we’re ignoring you: simple ways to get your i ssue black-holed.\n\nIf you’d like to be on the panel\, please drop a no te in the comments. DTSTART:20100825T090000 DTEND:20100825T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Drupal Rights and Responsibilities END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nHeather James\nStella Power\n\n\nTrack: Introducin g Drupal\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious \, Designer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nSession goal: The g oal of this session is to create informative visuals to assist in Drupal a doption. \n\nIntroduction: There is a presentation renaissance happening\, and people are leaving the old tired bullet points behind. But there is a lack of useful visuals for Drupal. If you write documentation for your mo dules\; if you present proposals to potential clients\; if you deliver tra ining\, you find you need compelling visuals for your ideas.\n\nIn this se ssion\, you will learn principles for designing graphics which can help ex plain complex processes and abstract concepts. First you'll hear about the concepts and guidelines\; then you'll try them out first hand. As a bonus \, we'll be creating useful contributions for the Drupal community. Doing is the best way to learn.\n\nVisuals for Drupal\n\nNew users of Drupal fin d it opaque and they use metaphors of mountains\, walls and chaotic messes to describe Drupal. We'll offer instead useful visual alternatives to the se metaphors. The visuals resulting from this workshop can then be used to help augment Drupal documentation\, to assist in presentations at local D rupal User Groups\, Camps as open educational resources. The visuals will help communicate fundamental architectures\, best practices and concepts underlying Drupal.\n\nIn this workshop we will:\n\n\nLearn guidelines for creating graphics for communicating abstract ideas\nFamiliarize ourselves with existing visual language and techniques\nPractice and test strategies to match approach to the content for the chosen audience\nLook at great e xamples of graphics for learning\nReview the main conceptual stumbling blo cks which mark Drupal as significantly different from other systems\nMake stuff!\n\n\nWhat to bring We'll be using colored paper\, scissors\, glue\, pencils\, markers. Bring your own stuff if you have something you want to be creative with. We can also use digital tools too. We're going to tackl e fundamental concepts and misconceptions about Drupal. So bring your ques tions and confusion too. \n\nAll levels of expertise are welcome. This ses sion is open especially both for those who are very knowledgeable about Dr upal\, and also to those who are new to Drupal. Ideally we will put people in mixed groups\, and through dialog help communicate the ideas to new us ers. It would be great to have a mix!\n\nImage (cc) Color Pencils by scui3 asteveo DTSTART:20100825T100000 DTEND:20100825T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Communicating Drupal visually END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nOlivier Jacquet\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\n Experience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\n\n---------------------------\n\nT his session will introduce how you can activate different languages in Dru pal 7\, configure the language negotation and how you can build a small mu ltilingual brochure website.\n\nIt will demonstrate the locale and content translation modules from core and some of the functionality provided by t he i18n and views modules. Hopefully some of the functionality of i18n wil l have been ported by then.\n\nThe session will also highlight some of the changes between D6 and D7. DTSTART:20100825T133000 DTEND:20100825T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Introduction to internationalization in Drupal 7 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nGábor Hojtsy\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nEx perience: Beginner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\n\n-- -------------------------\n\nAre you new to Drupal\, experienced in the so ftware but lack an overview of how all the pieces fit together in the comm unity? In this session I intend to provide a brief overview of what Drupal is and instead of delving into technical details\, focus more on how the different avenues to improve Drupal work. Systems like distributions\, loc alizations\, issue queues\, the core and contributed modules repositories\ , the security team\, automated testing and so on. How can you collaborate with the community and make money on the way? How is Drupal making an inc ome for all kinds of people in the ecosystem?\n\nThis session is aimed at beginners or those who could use a good high level overview of different a reas of Drupal.\n\nDisclaimer: 'Come for the software\, stay for the commu nity' was popularized by Dries and was independently submitted as a slogan suggestion (see the discussion). I think it is a great way to capture the Drupal spirit\, so decided to use it for my session title. DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Come for the software\, stay for the community - how Drupal improve s and evolves END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nEzra Barnett Gildesgame\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Dr upal\n\nExperience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Curious\, Designer\, Developer\n\n- --------------------------\n\nThe Views module is one of the most innovati ve and important Contributed Drupal modules\, second in usage only to Drup al core.\n\nViews empowers site administrators to easily create customized listings of content\, and has changed the way developers build their modu les. In this session\, we'll focus on how Views empowers site administrato rs to build complex listings of content without any programming knowhow.\n \nFirst time views users might be intimidated by Views' complex and powerf ul interface\, but this session will clearly present the fundamentals of i ts operation and provide site-builders with a mental framework for buildin g with Views. Don't be intimidated by filters\, displays\, fields\, or rel ationships (Views relationships\, that is). Come learn why Views is so pop ular and is the key to the Drupal castle!\n\n\nCome see how Views makes it easy to create:\n\n\n- Dynamic photo galleries based on a tag\n- A Map of user locations\n- A list of blog posts sorted by post date\n- Virtually a ny listing you can imagine!\n\nImage credit: brenda-starr/3466560105/ . DTSTART:20100825T160000 DTEND:20100825T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Views: The Key to the Drupal Castle END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nBryan House\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\n---- -----------------------\n\nWant to easily create a free Drupal 7 site and make it beautiful without opening up a text editor or using CSS tools? Wan t an easy way to check out Drupal 7 without any installation? We'll show y ou how to quickly create a Drupal site with a wide set of features and a c ustom theme using a new service called Drupal Gardens. If you're new to D rupal - there is no easier way to get started with Drupal. If you're a Dru pal expert - cool\, this will save you time prototyping your site with cli ents and you can export your site's complete code and database at any time \, allowing you to customize it and host it wherever you want. This servic e will always have a free tier\, and in 2010 all tiers are free including using your own custom domain.\n\nWe'll show you how to save time and money when you need to:\n- Build small production sites\n- Quickly prototype si tes and themes for clients\n- Create your own base themes and site templat es to make future sites even easier to build\n\nThis session is for beginn ers to experts and will cover Drupal fundamentals and features to make sit e building easier. You'll learn to create a site with a variety of feature s - and we'll also show you now to duplicate your site and use it as your own template.\n\n- Custom theme\n- Different layouts for different pages\n - Rotating banner on your home page\n- Blocks and navigation\n- Blog and f orums\n- Custom content types\n- Images via a media browser and library\n- Custom roles and permissions\n- Feedback link and contact us page\n- Foll ow us and Share this features\n- And more!\n\nYou'll see how you can start with a theme and customize it to make it unique. And we'll save plenty of time for Q&A session\, so come with lots of questions!\n\nPhoto credit: C reative Commons from DTSTART:20100826T090000 DTEND:20100826T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:Drupal Gardens: The fastest way to create a gorgeous Drupal 7 site END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAddison Berry\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nEx perience: Beginner\n\nFocus: Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n------------ ---------------\n\nThis session will introduce you to the wonderful and po werful tool of working from a *nix command line interface (CLI) instead of using a GUI (pointy-clicky). This is targeted at folks who've never opene d a terminal before\, but will cover a number of tips and tricks along the way. We'll even show you how Windows users can get the same CLI that Linu x and Mac users use\, so you can use it too!\n\nMain points we'll cover:\n - Huh? What is this thing? How do I get one?\n- Moving around (both locall y and accessing a remote server)\n- Creating and editing files\n- Searchin g\n- How to install Drupal from only the command line (including the datab ase!) DTSTART:20100826T133000 DTEND:20100826T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:The Command Line is your friend END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202106Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAdrien Baumann\nFrédéric G. MARAND\nSandrine\nSi bel Demircan\n\n\nTrack: Introducing Drupal\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Inte rmediate\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Developer \n\n---------------------------\n\nIn this session we would like to share our experience and talk about 15 contributed modules (pros\, cons\, needed tweaks\, interaction with each other\, ...) that helped us build the comm unity part of the french news website\n\nHere is the list of modules we will be talking about.\n- Messaging\n- Private Message\n- N otifications\n- Activity\n- Facebook Status\n- Profile Privacy\n- Profile Complete Percent\n- Content Profile\n- Avatar Selection\n- User Relationsh ip\n- User Workflow\n- Flags\n- Organic Groups\n- Weblinks\n- Shorten DTSTART:20100826T144500 DTEND:20100826T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:15 Modules to help you build a community website. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR