BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:DrupalCon Copenhagen X-WR-CALDESC:Sessions and BOF's at DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Copenhagen BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nIrakli Nadareishvili\nFrank Febbraro\n\n\nTrack: D rupal for Business\n\nExperience: Intermediate\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n----------------------- ----\n\nOpenPublish is a packaged distribution of Drupal\, tailored to the needs of online publishers. First released about a year ago\, it has quic kly gained momentum. It already has hundreds of active installations\, tho usands of downloads\, professional support from Phase2\, Acquia and their partners\, 9 minor releases and two major releases and that's just the beg inning. It is the obvious choice for news publishers who want to get a hea d-start on Drupal.\n\nCome and learn why publications are choosing OpenPub lish as their publishing platform\, how OpenPublish is helping widen the c ircle of Drupal adoption\, what it can offer to publishers\, what is comin g in the future releases and engage in discussion with OpenPublish authors . DTSTART:20100824T100000 DTEND:20100824T105000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:The Drupal Distro for Publishers - OpenPublish END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nEric Johnson\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n\nEx perience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\, Proj ect Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nBrightcove is the leading on line video platform and enables large\nenterprises\, media companies\, and small businesses to quickly publish\ntheir video content to the the web. \n\nWe run our public sites on Drupal multisite instances: our corporate\n website\, support site\, developer site\, and our blog. We translate\never ything from English into 4 languages: German\, French\, Spanish\, and\nJap anese.\n\nThis talk will cover\n- an overview of our system based on Drupa l\n- our specialized localization process\n- development of custom modules \, such as Google CSE Advanced module and\nour plans to open source them\n - Brightcove's own Drupal video module\n- Some ideas that will help Drupal become a dominant enterprise CMS.\n\n\nPresented by\nEric Johnson is Dire ctor of Online Marketing and a Web Architect at\nBrightcove. He's been wit h the company for 2 years. Prior to that we\nworked in the localization in dustry and at a agency focusing on\nwebsites\, email campaigns\, and appli cations. DTSTART:20100824T133000 DTEND:20100824T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Use case - on Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nThomas Barregren\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n \nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decisio n Maker\, Project Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nChristian Edwe rtz (business developer) and Odd Råberg (web editor) at the daily newspap er Värmlands Folkblad (VF) will tell you why they moved their on-line edi tion - []( - from the .NET based EPiServer to the [ Drupal based NodeStream]( You will also see No deStream demonstrated\; and how seamless it can be integrated with a third -party editorial system.\n\n## Why chose NodeStream/Drupal\nVärmlan d Folkblad (VF) is a Swedish newspaper which is published six times a week . On-line already in 1997\, they where among the first newspapers to be pu blished on the Web. Recently\, they launched their forth version of [ ]( At the same time\, they kicked out the .NET based co ntent management system *EPiServer* in favor for the [Drupal based publish ing system *NodeStream*]( In this session\, VF 's business developer\, Christian Edwertz\, and the project manager and ch ief editor of\, Odd Råberg\, will tell you how they ended up in the decision to choose Drupal i general and NodeStream in particular. They wi ll also share their experience of leading an open source project as compar ed to vendor driven project.\n\n## Demonstration of NodeStream\ is b uilt on [NodeStream](\, a Drupal distribution b y [NodeOne](\, aimed at newspapers\, magazines and othe r websites providing a stream of news and content. Dick Olsson\, lead deve loper of NodeStream\, will demonstrate some of NodeStream's features\, and Thomas Barregren\, manager of the project\, will talk a little about the vision and mission of NodeStream.\n\n## Integration with editorial systems \nNodeStream's ability to seamlessly integrate with third-party editorial systems was one of the most important reasons for VF to choose NodeStream. At VF\, [Infomaker's Newspilot]( 37) is used as editorial system. Andy Olsson\, senior consultant at Infoma ker\, will demonstrate how this integration can be used to publish news fr om the editorial system to the web\, and vice versa. He will also show how easy the integration was done with the [Newspilot module](http://drupal.o rg/project/newspilot)\, jointly developed by Infomaker and NodeOne. DTSTART:20100825T090000 DTEND:20100825T095000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Case study: on NodeStream - a Drupal distribution for newspap ers and magazines END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nEzra Barnett Gildesgame\nRob Purdie\n\n\nTrack: Dr upal for Business\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus : Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Them er\n\n---------------------------\n\nJoin Rob Purdie\, ScrumMaster at the Economist\, and Ezra Barnett Gildesgame\, Developer at Growing Venture Sol utions\, as they discuss how the Economist uses Scrum to focus on completi ng work according to an exacting 'definition of done.'\n\nWe'll cover what 'done' means in Scrum\, and explain both the processes and tools we use t o deliver thin vertical slices of functionality and coordinate with our de velopment teams in London\, New York\, and Austin\, Texas as we build the online product for a publication with a circulation of over 1 million in s ubscribers in over 200 countries.\n\nTopics included\n- Introduction to Sc rum\n- Why a complete\, shared Definition of Done is critical\n- Benefits & challenges of having 3 teams working in 3 timezones\n- Launchpad and Baz aar workflow for code review and management\, pushing configuration change s to production\n- Measuring progress\n- Getting products 100% Done DTSTART:20100825T133000 DTEND:20100825T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 20 Valhalla SUMMARY:On the importance of DONE: Scrum and Drupal at the Economist END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nThomas Angermann\nMats Hernvall\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n\nExperience: Intermediate\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\n\n---- -----------------------\n\nThe ever increasing consumption of digital medi a in our wireless and always connected world should be good news for the l ibraries. The interest in and availability of books\, film\, music and gam es has never been bigger. But the libraries are stuck with: old systems on proprietary platforms\, new requirements implemented slowly\, data and fu nction lock in\, information silos\, an increasing need to integrate incom patible systems for each new data format and supplier and finally a pletho ra of strange user interfaces far from common internet standards. \n\nTING .concept is a project initiated by the two largest public libraries in Den mark – Århus Public Libraries and Copenhagen Public libraries in a cons ortium with DBC\, a Danish supplier of national and local library infrastr ucture\, products and services. The projects vision has been to share the results and collaborate with everybody that are interested and was formula ted as: “To release all information in the libraries\, make the user and staff knowledge visible\, create relations between them that facilitates interaction and place it in a context where it gives meaning to the users \n\nThe platform is based on Open Source technology with an SOA architec ture approach. The back end uses de-facto standards as Apache Lucene\, Sol r\, Fedora Commons and PostgresSQL. Front end technologies used today are Drupal for web interfaces.\n\nIn this session we will discuss questions li ke:\n\n- How do we ensure that libraries are relevant in the digital socie ty?\n- How do we take part in the conversations where the users are?\n- Ho w do we mediate huge amounts of content and knowledge in the right context ? \n- How do we harness and share the collective innovation power of the l ibrary community? \n- How do we create win-win-win situations between non- profit organizations\, commercial partners and the library users? \n- How do we create cost effective solutions that scales – big and small? DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:A foundation for change - Drupal on top END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAmir Helzer\nRobert Douglass\n\n\nTrack: Drupal fo r Business\n\nExperience: Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decisi on Maker\, Project Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nDrupal has th e technical infrastructure for running multilingual sites. Knowing the ins and outs of the system and configuration\, however\, is not a trivial tas k.\n\nBuilding scalable translation workflows that fit your organization's needs is even harder. How can you run a truly multilingual site with Drup al without going insane or broke?\n\nThe new Translation Management module is how. Built as a wrapper on top of Drupal's core translation tools and the i18n module\, the Translation Management module is a new effort to aut omate or streamline the entire process. \n\nThis session will show how you r organization can benefit from a defined 'Translator' role - a person or group of people who interact with your site solely to provide translations .\n\nIt will discuss the benefits of having the translation tools consolid ated\, with managed queues for each translator\, as opposed to having tran slation tasks spread throughout your whole site\, requiring different inte rfaces for each type of translatable item.\n\nThe session will also addres s the workflow issues around initiating translations\, managing the life-c ycle of translations and quality assurance of translations. DTSTART:20100825T160000 DTEND:20100825T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Translation Management for the Enterprise END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nRichard Jones\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n\nE xperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\n\nFocus: Project Manager\, Designer\, Developer\, Themer\n\n---------------------------\n\nGive me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.\nAbra ham Lincoln\n\nDespite such a wise dictum and lots of personal experience to teach us otherwise\, we find continued pressure to dive into projects w ith little to no planning in efforts to “go faster”. \n\nHowever the g oal we set ourselves was to reduce Drupal development time by 80% and this session is to share the invaluable lessons we have learned in the quest t o go much\, much faster. \n\nWe've spent two years building the ultimate D rupal 'Startpoint' for our clients and this session will show how and why we did it and illustrate some of the benefits in practice.\n \nSome key ar eas : \nStop repeating yourself\nThe power of a single command-line instal l\nWhy we developed a Startpoint. \n\nAbout the Speaker:\nRichard is a 've teran' of the CMS world\, having worked on his first CMS back in 1999. Aft er joining UK Digital Agency i-KOS in 2001 as a Technical Director\, Richa rd set about building a CMS from scratch using J2EE. In 2007/8 it was time to wave the white flag on our proprietary system (even though we had ama ssed a user base of almost 1000) and head into the Drupal light. In 2009 i -KOS became an Acquia Gold Partner - which in 2010 has been consolidated a s an Enterprise Partner. DTSTART:20100825T171500 DTEND:20100825T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Sharpen your Axe- How We Reduced Development Time by more than 80% END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nCédric Perronnet\nFranck Deroche\n\n\nTrack: Drup al for Business\n\nExperience: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Project Manager\n\n---------------------------\n\nJust after Sze ged drupalcon\, we won a competition for the building of a generic media p latform for the french public national radio group\, Radio France. The ide a was to have some common basis for all their websites\, grouped in a drup al website. Then each of their radio site\, or any site they would produce \, would be run under this platform.\nThere was an economical interest for them as well as getting a dedicated team with a good knowledge of this pl atform.\nWe will begin with some general aspect of how we worked all toget her. We will give volumetric of the project and we will continue with mor e technical aspect on how we solved some problems any media company has to deal with like :\n - having your journalists working even if you r hosting provider is down or site under heavy load\n - dealing w ith easy wysiwyg\, media library\, drag and drop\n - importing da ta from the existing information system\n - heavy workflow\n - copyright issues\n - single sign on across website galaxy \n - search engine\n - ergonomic backoffice\n - continuous integration\n - media planning and future publishing \n - data conservation / archive building\n - cache and p utting it all in an high availability stack\n\nWe will also show and expla in an exclusive module for content management and easy node composition ca lled Scald. DTSTART:20100826T133000 DTEND:20100826T143000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 20 Valhalla SUMMARY:Creating a generic platform for a national media company : showcase END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nYas Naoi\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n\nExperi ence: Beginner\, Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\ , Project Manager\, Developer\n\n---------------------------\n\nWe are wor king on building Hybrid Cloud for research and development purpose. Our p roject goal is to realize managing not only Public Cloud but also Private Cloud by developing operations even easier. We are managing Amazon EC2\, and our Private Cloud by making our own Cloud management tool by Drupal\, which we call Virtual Infra Manager beyond Drupal as a Content Management System. --- Drupal as a fundamental of PaaS (Platform as a Service)\n\nWe are happy to introduce our Virtual Infra Manager\, including its use case \, architecture and design. We would like to show how Drupal can define t o manage multiple Cloud infrastructures and why Drupal can be used as Web Application Framework.\n\nKey Points Covered:\n\nDefinition of Cloud Compu ting\nHow We Can Manage Cloud infrastructure\nOur Use Case and Requirement s\nVirtual Infra Manager Architecture\nFeatures\nDemo\nQ & A and explorer how we can contribute DTSTART:20100826T160000 DTEND:20100826T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 10 Propeople SUMMARY:How to Manage Your Cloud by Drupal END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110520T202111Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nAlexandre Bulté\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n \nFocus: Curious\, Decision Maker\, Project Manager\n\n------------------- --------\n\nMid 2009\, France Télévisions\, the French public national t elevision group\, decided to switch to a new CMS that would be able to sui t all their internet content publishing needs.\n\nSince France Télévisio ns hosts more than 1000 sites\, it was impossible to migrate all the sites at once. That's why a pilot site was chosen : the sports news site sport. Of course\, the CMS also had to be able to handle the others sites that would be migrated later.\n\nWhat we want to tell you is the sto ry of this successful Drupal project .\n\nWe will cover the following topi cs :\n- What were the needs and constraints of the overhaul\n- How Drupal was chosen over some other Open Source CMS\n- How the site was designed to best suit the needs of the journalists : agile project management\n- What features are available for the visitors\n- What features are available fo r the journalists\n- How the new sports site integrates into the existing information system\n- How the architecture handles the heavy load of this site\n- How Drupal multisite architecture can handle the future needs of F rance Televisions DTSTART:20100826T160000 DTEND:20100826T170000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 20 Valhalla SUMMARY:Showcase - Drupal powers sports (and more) at France Televisions END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR