DrupalCon Copenhagen August 23-27 2010 - Intermediate
enSharpen Your Axe Follow up - Intro to Startpoint
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<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
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<span>Time: </span>
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BOF space 2
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<p>This informal session is to carry on the discussion from the end of my presentation on in vps.net yesterday. At the end, a lot of people had questions and wanted to see more, but we didn't have enough time to fit them all in. If we can get this session in the schedule, I'll be around to answer any questions.</p>
<p>This informal session is to carry on the discussion from the end of my presentation on in vps.net yesterday. At the end, a lot of people had questions and wanted to see more, but we didn't have enough time to fit them all in. If we can get this session in the schedule, I'll be around to answer any questions.</p>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/sharpen-your-axe-follow-intro-startpoint#commentsDecision MakerProject ManagerDesignerDeveloperThemerBeginnerIntermediateWed, 25 Aug 2010 22:44:28 +0000ikos48499 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgDesign for Drupal (2)
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
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BOF space 3
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<p>We would like people interested in design to meet and discuss what "design success" in Drupal would be?.</p>
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<img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="620" height="340" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/breakfast_menu.gif?1282778546" />
<p>We would like people interested in design to meet and discuss what design success in Drupal would be. Following up on "Design 4 Drupal - no more fugly!" we would like to hear ideas about what the future role of design in Drupal should be. Help us formulate the questions and find some answers.</p>
<p>By the end of the session we hope to have a concrete idea about how people want design to work as part of the Drupal ecostystem and have to some plans toward bringing these changes about.</p>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/design-drupal-2#commentsDesignerBeginnerIntermediateExpertWed, 25 Aug 2010 16:28:41 +0000eoriordan48409 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgPowerful new newspaper modules for journalists
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 2
<p>Let's meet for a demo of a few modules that were developed for a better journalist experience at France24/RFI.<br />
<br />
In short, it includes:</p>
<li>Per-node configuration of a View (making a custom list of articles to insert within an article)</li>
<li>Per-node selection display of nodes(selecting of a display of a story in a frontpage)</li>
<li>Multimedia element to insert within an article</li>
<li>Sharing of nodes between Drupals (via XMLRPC and Services, to share Image nodes)</li>
<p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/powerful-new-newspaper-modules-journalists" target="_blank">read more</a></p>http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/powerful-new-newspaper-modules-journalists#commentsCuriousProject ManagerDeveloperIntermediateExpertWed, 25 Aug 2010 14:06:30 +0000ndeschildre48304 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgUsing Brightcove video services in your Drupal site
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<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 3
<p>If you are interested in having high quality video on your website, you will be interested to learn more at the The Brightcove video platform BoF. The technical director of Brightcove and the Drupal module creators will be there to answer all your questions.</p>
<p>Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum Lorem Lipsum .</p>
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<span>Additional Presenters: </span>
<a href="/attendees/jakub-suchy"> Jakub Suchy</a>
<a href="/attendees/eric-johnson">Eric Johnson</a>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/using-brightcove-video-services-your-drupal-site#commentsCuriousDecision MakerProject ManagerDeveloperBeginnerIntermediateExpertWed, 25 Aug 2010 13:53:21 +0000andb48259 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgDebugger installation
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 4
<div class="field-text-teaser">
<p>Following on from his "Debugging Drupal: Hands-on techniques" session, Randy Fay will be leading an installation session to help you get up and running with Zend debugger and Eclipse IDE.</p>
<p>Bring your laptop along in order to go step by step through the process of installing Zend Debugger and Eclipse IDE and getting them to work together. If you were convinced by Randy's "Debugging Drupal: Hands-on techniques" session and want a more sophisticated way to understand the state of your code than littering it with dsm() calls then this BoF is for you.</p>
<div class="field-session-presenters">
<span>Additional Presenters: </span>
<a href="/attendees/randy-fay"> Randy Fay</a>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/debugger-installation#commentsDeveloperBeginnerIntermediateExpertdebuggingEclipseInstallationZend debuggerWed, 25 Aug 2010 08:27:27 +0000crantok47989 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgBringing Austrian Drupal community further
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Thursday, 26. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 4
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<p>Shape the future of Austrian Drupalistas! Join the discussion; tell us about your remarks, questions, ideas and experiences. Everyone who wants to share is warmly welcomed!</p>
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<img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="700" height="209" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/bild_10.png?1282690776" />
<p>In this BoF we would like to exchange ideas and experiences in several different areas, including:</p>
<p>• Current situation of Drupal Community in Austria</p>
<p>• Increase public awareness regarding Drupal in Austria and regarding potentials of Drupal Community in Austria in particular</p>
<div class="field-session-presenters">
<span>Additional Presenters: </span>
<a href="/attendees/zeljko-puljic"> Zeljko Puljic</a>
<a href="/attendees/markus-r%C3%B6ssler"> Markus Rössler</a>
<a href="/attendees/thomas-renner"> Thomas Renner</a>
<a href="/attendees/wolfgang-ziegler">Wolfgang Ziegler</a>
<a href="/attendees/ivo-radulovski">Ivo Radulovski</a>
<p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/bringing-austrian-drupal-community-further" target="_blank">read more</a></p>http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/bringing-austrian-drupal-community-further#commentsCuriousDecision MakerProject ManagerDesignerDeveloperThemerBeginnerIntermediateExpertcommunityusergroupsTue, 24 Aug 2010 22:46:09 +0000criz47849 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgScrum in real life
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Wednesday, 25. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 2
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<p>Scrum is a very useful framework to help you stay in control of Drupal projects. But you need to know its limitations and also customise it appropreately to suit your projects.</p>
<p>The main aim of this BoF is to discuss and exchange practical information on the use of Scrum in real projects and therefore no presentation is planned.</p>
<p>Scrum is a very useful framework to help you stay in control of Drupal projects. But you need to know its limitations and also customise it appropreately to suit your projects.</p>
<p>The main aim of this BoF is to discuss and exchange practical information on the use of Scrum in real projects and therefore no presentation is planned.</p>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/scrum-real-life#commentsDecision MakerProject ManagerDeveloperBeginnerIntermediateExpertTue, 24 Aug 2010 15:50:03 +0000dokumori47654 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgDrupalers: The Next Generation - Training new drupal developers
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Wednesday, 25. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 4
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<p>Got any thoughts on the best way to train drupal developers? Interested in learning about other people's methods? Then this session is the place for you!</p>
<p>A number of organizations are struggling to fill their drupal developer positions. While this is not a bad thing by any stretch for those of us already versed in Drupal-ese, it's going to be important to get new developers up to speed. Come to this BOF and share your ideas and training methodologies, or come with questions if you're just getting started with training.</p>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupalers-next-generation-training-new-drupal-developers#commentsProject ManagerBeginnerIntermediateTue, 24 Aug 2010 15:48:26 +0000phillamb16847649 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgVarnish, ESI, high-performance Drupal
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Wednesday, 25. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 3
<div class="field-text-teaser">
<p>ESIs can help you cache personalised pages for logged-in users. Ideas for the best ways to use ESIs and Varnish to get the best performance.</p>
<li>How to use Varnish with Drupal</li>
<li>Writing good VCLs</li>
<li>Using ESI, and serving micro-content (individual blocks, panes...) </li>
<li>Delivering micro-content via ESI with minimum bootstrap overhead</li>
<li>Other approaches to block-delivery via ESI (memcache, using David Straus' experimental kargo-event handlers, ???)</li>
<p>And any other ideas!</p>
<p>The ESI module (<a href="http://drupal.org/project/esi" title="http://drupal.org/project/esi">http://drupal.org/project/esi</a>) will be released shortly, so there should be code to play with too.</p>
http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/varnish-esi-high-performance-drupal#commentsDeveloperIntermediateExpertTue, 24 Aug 2010 12:39:23 +0000manarth47304 at http://cph2010.drupal.orgDrupal in the Public Sector (Government)
<div class="field-session-type">
<span>Type: </span>
BOF session
<div class="field-session-day">
<span>Day: </span>
Tuesday, 24. august 2010
<div class="field-session-time">
<span>Time: </span>
<div class="field-session-room">
BOF space 2
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<p>Let's discuss Drupal adoption by the public sector in Europe - from intergovernmental to federal to state/local.</p>
<p>As an open source platform and content management system (CMS) for building dynamic web sites, Drupal is establishing itself as a leader among social software solutions for governmental, intergovernmental, and nongovernmental organizations. Having already gained a small but significant share of the domestic and worldwide public sector CMS market, the solution appears on-track for continued growth.</p>
<div class="field-session-presenters">
<span>Additional Presenters: </span>
<a href="/attendees/ivo-radulovski">Ivo Radulovski</a>
<p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupal-public-sector-government" target="_blank">read more</a></p>http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupal-public-sector-government#commentsCuriousDecision MakerProject ManagerDesignerDeveloperThemerBeginnerIntermediateExpertTue, 24 Aug 2010 11:17:49 +0000walshtechnet47239 at http://cph2010.drupal.org