DrupalCon Copenhagen August 23-27 2010 - Keynote http://cph2010.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/7968/0 en The Design of HTML5 http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/design-html5 <div class="field-session-type"> <span>Type:&nbsp;</span> Session in official program </div> <div class="field-session-day"> <span>Day:&nbsp;</span> Thursday, 26. august 2010 </div> <div class="field-session-time"> <span>Time:&nbsp;</span> 11:00-12:30 </div> <div class="field-session-room"> 10 Propeople </div> <div class="field-session-duration"> 5 minutes (lightning talk) </div> <div class="field-main-image"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="300" height="300" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/jeremykeith.jpg?1281476379" /> </div> <p>Everyone's talking about the benefits of HTML5 for web apps but the specification also introduces an extra layer of semantic richness to our web documents. These additions aren't wishful thinking for some far-flung future: you can start using them today. That's because the design principles driving HTML5 are steeped in pragmatism. Find out how important good design principles are to any project, whether it's a website, a content management system, or the very language that underpins the World Wide Web.</p> <p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/design-html5" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/design-html5#comments Curious Decision Maker Project Manager Designer Developer Themer Keynote Beginner Intermediate Expert Tue, 10 Aug 2010 21:41:06 +0000 Jeremy Keith 27659 at http://cph2010.drupal.org Drupal performance http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupal-performance <div class="field-session-type"> <span>Type:&nbsp;</span> Session in official program </div> <div class="field-session-day"> <span>Day:&nbsp;</span> Wednesday, 25. august 2010 </div> <div class="field-session-time"> <span>Time:&nbsp;</span> 11:00-12:30 </div> <div class="field-session-room"> 10 Propeople </div> <div class="field-session-duration"> 45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&amp;A) </div> <div class="field-main-image"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="700" height="210" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/lerdorf_0.jpg?1281475821" /> </div> <p>Rasmus' talk will cover various performance-related topics with a focus on Drupal.</p> <p>Rasmus Lerdorf is known for creating the PHP project in 1995 and he has contributed to a number of other open source projects over the years. Rasmus was most recently an infrastructure architect at Yahoo! for over 7 years before joining WePay in 2010. He was born in Greenland, grew up in Denmark and Canada and has a Systems Design engineering degree from the University of Waterloo. You can follow <a href="http://twitter.com/rasmus">@rasmus</a> on Twitter.</p> http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupal-performance#comments Curious Decision Maker Project Manager Designer Developer Themer Keynote Beginner Intermediate Expert Tue, 10 Aug 2010 21:31:14 +0000 Rasmus Lerdorf 27639 at http://cph2010.drupal.org The State of Drupal http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/state-drupal <div class="field-session-type"> <span>Type:&nbsp;</span> Session in official program </div> <div class="field-session-day"> <span>Day:&nbsp;</span> Tuesday, 24. august 2010 </div> <div class="field-session-time"> <span>Time:&nbsp;</span> 11:00-12:30 </div> <div class="field-session-room"> 10 Propeople </div> <div class="field-text-teaser"> <p>Dries Buytaert will give his bi-annual State of Drupal talk in the beginning of DrupalCon Copenhagen, where he’ll discuss where Drupal is and where it is going.</p> </div> <div class="field-session-duration"> 45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&amp;A) </div> <div class="field-main-image"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="700" height="210" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/dries_0_0.jpg?1276862662" /> </div> <div class="field-text-image"> Image: Griet Dekoninck </div> Dries Buytaert will give his bi-annual State of Drupal talk in the beginning of DrupalCon Copenhagen, where he’ll discuss where Drupal is and where it is going. In particular, he’ll discuss the final preparations for the release of Drupal 7, the Drupal.org redesign, and some of the initial plans for Drupal 8. <br> <p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/state-drupal" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/state-drupal#comments Curious Decision Maker Project Manager Designer Developer Themer Keynote Beginner Intermediate Expert Fri, 18 Jun 2010 12:05:29 +0000 Dries 9078 at http://cph2010.drupal.org