DrupalCon Copenhagen August 23-27 2010 - TING http://cph2010.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/9103/0 en A foundation for change - Drupal on top http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/foundation-change-drupal-top <div class="field-session-type"> <span>Type:&nbsp;</span> Session in official program </div> <div class="field-session-day"> <span>Day:&nbsp;</span> Wednesday, 25. august 2010 </div> <div class="field-session-time"> <span>Time:&nbsp;</span> 14:45-15:45 </div> <div class="field-session-room"> 18 VPS.NET </div> <div class="field-text-teaser"> <p>TING.concept is a project initiated by the two largest public libraries in Denmark. The vision is to release all information in the libraries, make the user and staff knowledge visible, create relations between them that facilitates interaction and place it in a context where it gives meaning to the users.</p> </div> <div class="field-session-duration"> 45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&amp;A) </div> <div class="field-main-image"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_main_image" width="530" height="158" alt="" src="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/ting_logo_office.jpg?1277981930" /> </div> <div class="field-text-image"> TING.concept </div> <p>The ever increasing consumption of digital media in our wireless and always connected world should be good news for the libraries. The interest in and availability of books, film, music and games has never been bigger. But the libraries are stuck with: old systems on proprietary platforms, new requirements implemented slowly, data and function lock in, information silos, an increasing need to integrate incompatible systems for each new data format and supplier and finally a plethora of strange user interfaces far from common internet standards.</p> <div class="field-session-presenters"> <span>Additional Presenters:&nbsp;</span> <a href="/attendees/mats-hernvall"> Mats Hernvall</a> </div> <p><a href="http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/foundation-change-drupal-top" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/foundation-change-drupal-top#comments Decision Maker Drupal for Business Intermediate community libraries TING Thu, 01 Jul 2010 11:24:31 +0000 angermann 13598 at http://cph2010.drupal.org