BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:DrupalCon Copenhagen X-WR-CALDESC:Sessions and BOF's at DrupalCon Copenhagen 2010 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Copenhagen BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110521T012837Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nMikkel Høgh\n\n\nTrack: Code &\; Development\n \nExperience: Intermediate\, Expert\n\nFocus: Developer\n\n--------------- ------------\n\nWith Drupal-sites\, you’re often sitting on a mountain o f interesting data. I will go through some of the tools and methods you ca n use to present those data to your users in interesting and appealing way s.\n\nUsing the gRaphaël JavaScript library\, and with the combined force s of Drupals API\, SQL\, caching and statistics\, I will give an introduc tion to how you can make your site more appealing to data explorers. DTSTART:20100824T171500 DTEND:20100824T180000 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:Awesome graphs and statistics with Drupal and gRaphaël END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20110521T012837Z DESCRIPTION:Presenters:\nThomas Angermann\nMats Hernvall\n\n\nTrack: Drupal for Business\n\nExperience: Intermediate\n\nFocus: Decision Maker\n\n---- -----------------------\n\nThe ever increasing consumption of digital medi a in our wireless and always connected world should be good news for the l ibraries. The interest in and availability of books\, film\, music and gam es has never been bigger. But the libraries are stuck with: old systems on proprietary platforms\, new requirements implemented slowly\, data and fu nction lock in\, information silos\, an increasing need to integrate incom patible systems for each new data format and supplier and finally a pletho ra of strange user interfaces far from common internet standards. \n\nTING .concept is a project initiated by the two largest public libraries in Den mark – Århus Public Libraries and Copenhagen Public libraries in a cons ortium with DBC\, a Danish supplier of national and local library infrastr ucture\, products and services. The projects vision has been to share the results and collaborate with everybody that are interested and was formula ted as: “To release all information in the libraries\, make the user and staff knowledge visible\, create relations between them that facilitates interaction and place it in a context where it gives meaning to the users \n\nThe platform is based on Open Source technology with an SOA architec ture approach. The back end uses de-facto standards as Apache Lucene\, Sol r\, Fedora Commons and PostgresSQL. Front end technologies used today are Drupal for web interfaces.\n\nIn this session we will discuss questions li ke:\n\n- How do we ensure that libraries are relevant in the digital socie ty?\n- How do we take part in the conversations where the users are?\n- Ho w do we mediate huge amounts of content and knowledge in the right context ? \n- How do we harness and share the collective innovation power of the l ibrary community? \n- How do we create win-win-win situations between non- profit organizations\, commercial partners and the library users? \n- How do we create cost effective solutions that scales – big and small? DTSTART:20100825T144500 DTEND:20100825T154500 LOCATION:Bella Center\, 18 VPS.NET SUMMARY:A foundation for change - Drupal on top END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR