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Decision Maker

Building Conference & Event Websites in Drupal with COD

Type:  Session in official program

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information

We'll see how Drupal's Conference Organizing Distribution (COD) can help get a conference site up and running quickly, allowing event organizers to focus on running the event and personalizing the site, and allowing attendees to participate actively before, during and after the event!

We'll also see how COD was used to build other conference websites, like DrupalCamp Colorado 2010, and an upcoming conference for the Meego open source project.

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information
Additional Presenters:  Ben Jeavons Lisa Rex

Drupal + Image Recognition = Mobile Visual Search

sigenlaub 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

It started as a simple iPhone app designed to demo the image recognition capabilities offered by LTU technologies. But lookthatup quickly took on a life of its own. Learn how Drupal made it possible to transform lookthatup into a complete mobile visual search solution and how you can easily develop your own applications using visual search.

Starting out as a simple iPhone app designed to demo the image recognition capabilities offered by LTU technologies, supported by Drupal, lookthatup took on a life of its own. Today, lookthatup is a mobile visual search solution that can be used to power all types of mobile marketing programs featuring visual search, whether it be mobile apps, email or MMS campaigns. If not for Drupal, this rapid transformation could not have been possible.

10 Reasons why you should be using features for your Drupal project

Florian Loretan 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

The Features module is mostly known for the possibility to share, distribute and re-use bundled sets of configuration. But how can it help you in the development of your next Drupal project?

Customizing Drupal (without killing kittens)

Florian Loretan 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

A few recipes for simple and clean customizations for those willing to peek into a few lines of PHP code.

For any kind of Drupal website, it happens very often that existing modules get you 90% of the way but you still need some customizations to get things looking and working exactly the way you want. Not a brand new module, just some site-specific adaptations that get you to 100% of what you want.

Case study: - Building a hosted web service with Drupal

Scott Hadfield 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session is a hosted web service for couples getting married. It allows users to easily create and manage their own wedding website . The service is built with Drupal using our own custom distribution. The goal of the project was to give couples a better, more up to date product than currently existed in the marketplace and one that required minimal maintenance on our part. is a hosted web service for couples getting married. It allows users to easily create and manage their own wedding website . The service is built with Drupal using our own custom distribution. The goal of the project was to give couples a better, more up to date product than currently existed in the marketplace and one that required minimal maintenance on our part.

This talk will cover the following:

  • Introduction to what it does and how it works
  • Technical background and overview of the tools used
Resources:  Wedful Company Website

Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal ?

JB Ingold 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

In the Drupal community, we see more and more « product » (like openatrium, openpublish) but nothing in the former « core bussiness » of Drupal : community website and social networking website where as
- Ning is offering a service to lauch a community in 30 second or so
- WordPress 3.0 include BuddyPress opensource package ready to go in 6 minutes.
We lack a social platform ready to use (as service or as installation profile) based on Drupal.
In Drupal community we see more and more « product » (like openatrium, openpublish) but nothing in the former « core business » of Drupal : community website and social networking website.
-Ning have drooped their free services but are still having some success with a promise of no-admin service ready to use in 30 seconds.

Drupal Mobiliser — Mobile Web Overview

Philipp Schaffner 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Everyone wants to go mobile. Apart from Web 3.0, this is one of the most exciting topics in the applied ICT/Web environment. The problem is: how do I get a proper overview! This session guides participants into the versatile mobile web world:

Theory part:
• What is the .mobi-TLD (Top Level Domain)? What is it good for? Why the extra TLD?
• How to get a 20-minute-overview with the ‚dotMobi Mobile Web Developer’s Guide‘.
• Brief excursion into the jungle of online-tools:,,,, ...
• The developer community (realised with Drupal).

Practical part:

Introducing the Page Syndication Module

Tudor Sitaru 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

No, it's not RSS - it's site syndication. Learn how the page syndication module and panels let you embed entire pages from your site into other sites around the web (with their consent, of course!)

The Page Syndication module has been used by a number of organizations like Hearst Media, the New England Patriots and Experian to distribute rich content to portals, fan sites and more. Learn how to use this Drupal module, in conjunction with Panels and CTools to create content that other sites can embed with a single line of JavaScript. Content can take the form of just about anything that can be put on a Panels pages, including polls, quizzes, forms or a calendar.

Connecting to the Web of Data: Using Drupal’s Semantic Web modules

Lin Clark 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Bring in data from other sites—Wikipedia content, New York Times historical contnet, and much more—and expose your site’s information for others to reuse. With the Semantic Web, you can use the Web as your CMS.

Bring in data from other sites—Wikipedia content, New York Times historical contnet, and much more—and expose your site’s information for others to reuse. With the Semantic Web, you can use the Web as your CMS.

In this session, we will demonstrate how you can use the power of the Semantic Web to expose your site’s information and reuse information from other sites. We will also provide links as we go along to screencasts we have produced to guide you step-by-step in setting up the modules.

Topics covered:
Getting your content ready for reuse using RDF UI and SPARQL Endpoint

Additional Presenters:  scor

Introduction to the Semantic Web and RDF in Drupal 7

Lin Clark 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal is leading the way by being the first major CMS to embrace the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF. Get an introduction to the Semantic Web, used on many Web sites as part of Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and by major companies like Google, Yahoo!, New York Times, & the BBC, and get an intro to Drupal's core SemWeb functionality.

Drupal is leading the way by being the first major CMS to embrace the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF. Restricted to the academic world for many years, these technologies have matured with time up to the point of being used by new standards like Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and major companies like Google, Yahoo!, New York Times, BBC, etc. Over the years, there has been multiple attempts to integrate RDF and Drupal with many contributed modules like Relationship, Semantic Search or FOAF.

Additional Presenters:  scor