Katherine Druckman is an HTML-flinging, PHP-hacking Linux Journal Webmistress by day, and a refined connoisseur of hostoric architecture and fine Chinese ceramics by night. She usually can be found surrounded by the charm of aging Texas buildings from the pioneer days or appreciating ceramics of the Song and Qing dynasties. Well, either that or sitting in a comfy chair with a laptop. Yeah, probably the laptop thing.
Professional Bio:
- Web-tech developer for 10 years+
- Longtime PHP/MySQL, (D)HTML/CSS, JavaScript developer
- Developer level experience in these PHP technologies:
- Symfony PHP Framework (www.symfony-project.org) - All disciplines up until vers. 1.2 and Propel ORM
- Prior experience with Joomla! CMS (Developer of: themes, modules, components), and consulting in Joomla! CMS at technical level
- Ongoing work in Drupal v. 6 stable release on several websites