Janez Urevc

d.o: slashrsm
I am software engineering student at Faculty of cumputer and information sciences from Ljubljana, open source enthusiast, web developer, programmer, ...
I first got in contact with Drupal about two years ago, when I needed a good CMS for Banka Koper Slovenia Open WTA tournament website. Since then Drupal is my first decision when web sites or other web related projects come into consideration. I developed a lot of projects in last two years, tested a lot of free and comercial CMS, but I stil think that Drupal is the best of all.
My main objectives at the conference are networking and knowledge development. I am also interested in module development/maintaince, Drupal jobs and projects. Since I expect some project that require booking functionalities in the future, I am specially interested in this topic.
If you are interested or you have some experience with booking system on Drupal, please feel free to contact me. I am also prepared to take maintaince or to help with development of some module/project. I will also be glad to meet interesting new people of any king.