Marcel Ritsema

d.o: Helpermedia
Marcel Ritsema is the proud owner of Helpermedia and started his own business after many years in ICT. During the years various functions and challenges came across his path. It al started in 1996 as functional tester at an organization which takes care of financing students. After a year Marcel started to work for G&D (now called Sogeti) as a software developer. After an intense training period he was assigned to KPN a nationwide dutch telecom operator for almost two years. Wanting to move on Marcel switched to Atos Orgin. In this five year period Marcel fulfilled several functions as senior developer, functional designer, information analist, architect and project leader. Marcel has been assigned to the following customers: KPN, Shell and Gasunie (Gas Trade & Supply).
In 2003 another switch was made to the province Groningen as an information analist with special interest in information architecture. After a year this job was extended with project leading and managing tasks. After a couple years Marcel realized he wanted to do more creative and challenging work. Especially open sources products such as Drupal and assignments combined with media elements are Marcel's favorites.
During the years Marcel followed courses regarding ICT and management developing programs. In 1995 Marcel got his bachelor degree at the Hanzehogeschool Business Management.