Mike Carter

Mike Carter //
d.o: budda
d.o: budda
Director and lead developer at Ixis IT. Previous roles as a developer at Aspen Technology Intl., Phone People, and Personal Medical Advisor.
• Project manager and lead developer for national mobile phone retailer EPOS project.
• Overseeing the successful development and support for large UK entities such as Epilepsy UK, the Police, and the NHS.
Been loving the Drupal for the past 6 years now, since Drupal 4.6! Maintainer to modules on drupal.org, and many sites in production for clients and personal.
Check out http://quizible.com and http://bargainspy.co.uk both built in house.
Fairly regular attendee of the North West Drupal User Group in Manchester, UK too - along with last years DrupalCamp UK event.