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Tomi Mikola

Tomi Mikola // Mearra
d.o: TomiMikola

Tomi has 10 years of experience in different internet technologies through education from the department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki and through various IT projects. Previously Tomi has worked for Yleisradio’s New Media Unit, Valve Branding and Razorfish Finland both as application developer as well as user interface developer.

Involvement in projects of different caliber have given versatility that Tomi considers his strongest side. With an entrepreneur background, Tomi understands not only web application development but also the requirements of the bottom line in the business world.

Currently Tomi focuses ambitiously on enhancing production process and guaranteeing overall technical quality. The starting point is careful analysis and understanding of problems a client desires to solve; the technological aspects come into picture only later on.

Tomi Mikola