Drupal Powered E-commerce
Join the Drupal e-commerce professionals in Copenhagen for an entire day of hands-on training covering everything you need to start selling on Drupal. We will introduce to two e-commerce systems for Drupal, Ubercart for Drupal 6 and Drupal Commerce in development for Drupal 7. We will then spend a majority of the day working through building a community swag store together on Drupal 6 with Ubercart. By the end of the day, students will be equipped with the knowledge to build robust, easily administered e-commerce sites. Attendees should understand the basics of Drupal site building and module installation beforehand, and exposure to other major contributed modules like Views and CCK is a plus.
Language: English
Duration: 8 hours
Style: Hands-on training
Minimum attendees: 15
Maximum attendees: 30
- Basic knowledge of Drupal
- Own laptop (or partner to share)
- Development environment to run Drupal or wi-fi to access our training environment
During course you will receive:
Lecture notes / practice workbook, printed and PDF
Course outline
The format of the training will be a series of lessons interspersed with practice sessions. Each student with a wi-fi enabled laptop will have access to a sandbox site where they will build a store step-by-step following each lesson. Commerce Guys trainers will be on hand to guide students through the learning exercises and answer related questions.
The agenda includes the following lessons:
* Installing Ubercart using UberDrupal
* Setting up products and the catalog
* Product attributes and classes
* Cart and checkout components and demonstration
* Conditional Actions
* Flat rate and calculated shipping quotes
* Sales taxes (including VAT)
* Payment systems and core payment support
* Product features
* Store administration (including internationalization)
Each attendee will receive a workbook to use during the course for taking notes and completing practices for each lesson. There will be time for Q&A during lessons and IRC / an FAQ site available during the training for additional questions. Furthermore, we will address the changes to expect when Drupal 7 is available for production use with Drupal Commerce as time permits.
- Ryan Szrama - Project lead of Drupal Commerce and VP of Community Development at Commerce Guys.
- Damien Tournoud - CTO of Commerce Guys and major Drupal 7 core contributor.
- Mike O'Connor - CEO of Commerce Guys U.S. and long-time contributor to / user of Ubercart.
- Greg Beuthin - Senior Project Manager and training lead for Commerce Guys Paris.