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Build your own in Drupal

Code & Development


Additional Presenters:  Jon Clark


Code & Development


Beginner | Intermediate


Decision Maker | Project Manager | Developer

Build your own in Drupal

45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)



Every advocacy group has a website about their campaign, but what they need is a campaign that actually happens online. An effective website should offer volunteers ways to truly participate in shaping public opinion through online and offline interactions. And Drupal can make this possible.

We’ll show you how to quickly create a netroots-style website to mobilize volunteers to take specific actions to support an issue - political or otherwise.

Using a collection of Drupal modules, campaign advocates will be able to:

  • establish overall goals for the campaign and actions to accomplish them
  • track actions within Drupal, on the wider web, and even offline for both individuals and the entire campaign
  • visualize progress towards the campaign’s goals from a variety of perspectives including location and time

We’ll walk through an example campaign website built with these tools and dive into the technical details of how they work.
