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This code stinks!

Code & Development



Code & Development





This code stinks!

45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)



"In computer programming, code smell is any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem." --Wikipedia

Ever look at a piece of code and go "eeek!" but couldn't say exactly why? Code smells are ways to spot that sort of code and communicate it to others. They're signs that the code you're looking at will stink once it gets into production.

Conversely, recognizing code smells in your own code early will let you change direction before it's too late. That saves time, money, anguish, and public embarrassment and ridicule when your code ends up scaring off budding new developers or ends up on The Daily WTF.

This session will discuss code smells in the context of Drupal with examples both real and contrived as a way to encourage less stinky code. Leave the perfume at home. We want code to smell like roses all on its own (unless of course you're allergic to flowers).
