The Drupal Distro for Publishers - OpenPublish

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The Drupal Distro for Publishers - OpenPublish
Tuesday, 24. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of Drupal, tailored to the needs of online publishers. First released about a year ago, it has quickly gained momentum. It already has hundreds of active installations, thousands of downloads, professional support from Phase2, Acquia and their partners, 9 minor releases and two major releases and that's just the beginning. It is the obvious choice for news publishers who want to get a head-start on Drupal.
Come and learn why publications are choosing OpenPublish as their publishing platform, how OpenPublish is helping widen the circle of Drupal adoption, what it can offer to publishers, what is coming in the future releases and engage in discussion with OpenPublish authors.
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