Elevating 960gs Theming in Drupal 7 with the Omega theme

Elevating 960gs Theming in Drupal 7 with the Omega theme
| | |This session will cover the advanced usages of 960.gs bypushing theming & grid based layouts further with preprocess functionality in the theme layer. The Omega Theme is currently a leap ahead of any other base theme in Drupal 7, and is continuing to expand new features that will revolutionize theming in D7.
This session will be a combination of concepts & information from presentations I've given on 960.gs and the Omega theme at Drupalcon Paris, DrupalCamp Montreal, DrupalCon San Fransisco and Drupal Design Camp Boston - 2010.
However, this session is COMPLETELY updated with Drupal 7 code, tons of new features, a radically enhanced interface for the theme settings provided by the Omega theme in Drupal 7, and much more!!
- Omega Theme
- Where the Omega theme is
- Standing on the shoulders of giants
- Ninesixty
- Zen
- Studio
- Acquia Marina
- Standing on the shoulders of giants
- Omega Theme Overview
- Integrated Features
- Custom Page Titles
- Custom Breadcrumbs
- Custom Search features
- 960.gs grid information
- Grid Sizes
- 12 column
- 16 column
- 24 column
- Debugging overlay per container/region
- Grid Sizes
- no need to use ns() function unless you are doing very custom work
- hook_preprocess() & /preprocess/preprocess-HOOK.inc
- hook_process() & /process/process-HOOK.inc
- Content First Layouts
- Customizable front page
- Customizable internal pages
- Integrated Features
- Omega Theme Demo
- Creating sub-themes 101
- The command line way
- The other way
- Customizing your sub-theme
- Extensive demonstration of all the theme settings available to the Omega theme and it's sub--themes
- Creating sub-themes 101
- Where the Omega theme is going
- Drupal 7
- Drupal 8?!
- jQuery grid building/management
- Want to Contribute?
- Special Thanks
- Where the Omega theme is
Previous iterations of this topic/session given by me can be found at:
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