How did Drupal achieve World Domination? (And now what?)

How did Drupal achieve World Domination? (And now what?)
|From Dries' original typo trying to register the Dutch word for community,
... to the adoption of Drupal by
... to the jump across the Atlantic and some of the first and still prominent Drupal-based companies coming out of the Howard Dean presidential campaign,
... to the weekend from hell and finally moving to dedicated servers,
... to the camps now being held on six continents,
we'll look at how has Drupal spread throughout the world and try to pinpoint turning points in the development of the Drupal community.
We'll also ask what this has meant for Drupal as a software product and as a community? Do we want to encourage this growth, and if we do, how? We won't answer hardly any of these questions in full, but we'll have a lot of data collected and will be asking the people of Drupal to weigh in throughout the conference and at this session.
Image credit: users by geographic group (from shows the preponderance of the U.S. but also the large numbers of European, South American, Indian, and Australian Drupalistas on