Learning Drupal the fun way: Drupal games!

Learning Drupal the fun way: Drupal games!
“The Drupal way”: a set of behaviours that make you a good community player and that lets you maximize your sites built/kittens killed ratio is one of those things that a lot of people only learn to appreciate the hard way. In this session you’ll play a game that teaches you some of these values, cause some messages will only stick if you've experienced them.
It’s generally accepted that serious games are way more effective tools for providing learning experiences that aim to change the behavior of a group of participants.
First hand experience of the value of a new methodology or behavior in a fun setting will not only result in a better acceptance of this methodology but will also relieve stress and strengthen the bonds between participants.
Foto by TeeCee http://www.flickr.com/photos/29978062@N04/4674205533/