Reporting Drupal

Reporting Drupal
Drupal now has a rapidly growing global community, and seasoned professionals find it difficult to keep up with everything that's going on - let alone the daunted newbies that are just joining.
I believed it was time to have a curated source of independent journalism about Drupal and its community - so I set up Drupalradar a month ago to do this.
Since then I've been approached by lots of people who are also interested in this, so I agreed to setup a BoF for us all to get together to discuss it.
You may want to attend this if....
- You want to help out in some way with DrupalRadar - writing, editing, photography, technical etc
- You run some other way of reporting Drupal - website, podcast, etc - and you want to share experience or see how different outlets for reporting Drupal can collaborate and share resources.
- You're a reader/listener/viewer of the services reporting on Drupal and you want to have your say to improve them, give the people behind them your guidance
- You're interested in journalism about Drupal generally
This session is organised by Steve Parks, editor of - the independent magazine for the Drupal community. You can contact me on IRC or via skype as 'steveparks' or email with any questions/suggestions about this BoF.
See you there!