Running many sites from just one installation

Running many sites from just one installation
Multisite capabilities , have been in Drupal since the Bronze-age (version 4.6). It allows you to run multiple site from one installation of Drupal thus making it possible to share themes, modules and even certain tables. Thanks to this, updating several site only has to be done once.
And over the last years also modules have emerged that offer even more multisite options. The most notorious is the module Domain Access that allows sharing content, users, navigation and more among a range of websites.
In this session we will look at:
- the multisite capabilities of a default Drupal installation, the settings, the folder organisation and a tiny bit of Apache webserver, difference
- the module Domain Access, the settings, sharing content, navigation, pitt falls
This session is aimed at beginners who build or manage multiple websites.
As a non-techy myself I will not discuss the goary technical details because (a) I don't understand them and (b) you don need them for a happy nest of Drupal sites.
I did this presentation (link to Dutch website) in May during a meeting of Belgian Drupal enthusiasts.
Foto by Zapthedingbat