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Using and managing Drupal's taxonomy system

how to manage your vocabularies...
Configuration, Set-Up & Performance

Using and managing Drupal's taxonomy system

45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)



Drupal’s taxonomy system helps you to organize content on your website. This robust categorization system is one thing that sets Drupal apart from other CMSs and in combination with taxonomy-enhancing modules the system gets even more powerful.
During the development cycle for Drupal 7, the system received a big overhaul. Besides important API improvements, taxonomy term fields have been introduced. These fields open up many new possibilities and change the way of using the taxonomy system.

This session will start with a short overview of the basic taxonomy concepts in Drupal-core and some essential taxonomy-enhancing modules. Afterwards the session focuses on managing large taxonomies, especially multilingual vocabularies, by using the Taxonomy Manager. Further, the changes in Drupal 7 will be discussed in more detail and an introduction on how to use taxonomy term fields will be given.


  • Introduction to taxonomy: brief summary of the basic concepts in core and how they can be used to organize your content
  • Overview of essential taxonomy-enhancing modules
  • Taxonomy Manager: demo on how to effectively manage your vocabularies
  • Taxonomy in Drupal 7: overview of important improvements, like taxonomy term fields
