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Decision Maker

The Drupal Distro for Publishers - OpenPublish

Irakli Nadareishvili 28 May 2010
Type:  Session in official program

OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of Drupal, tailored to the needs of online publishers. First released about a year ago, it has quickly gained momentum. It already has hundreds of active installations, thousands of downloads, professional support from Phase2, Acquia and their partners, 9 minor releases and two major releases and that's just the beginning. It is the obvious choice for news publishers who want to get a head-start on Drupal.

OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of Drupal, tailored to the needs of online publishers. First released about a year ago, it has quickly gained momentum. It already has hundreds of active installations, thousands of downloads, professional support from Phase2, Acquia and their partners, 9 minor releases and two major releases and that's just the beginning. It is the obvious choice for news publishers who want to get a head-start on Drupal.

Additional Presenters:  Frank Febbraro
Resources:  OpenPublish Website

Heather James

28 May 2010
Heather James
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Language (Primary) English
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I class myself as the eternal Drupal newb, I'm always learning something new. I've been a long time end-user and community participant and contributor, co-organising Drupal Camps in Ireland. I'm glad now that Drupal is a central part of my work, I'm really excited about helping to grow the Drupal community.

Currently I work as Manager of Learning Services at Acquia, Inc. In the past I have worked as an arts worker and an educator. I have studied fine arts and computer science. Having both a BFA and MSc doesn't seem very strange to me.

Jess Hansen

28 May 2010
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Kiva Grafisk
Language (Primary) Danish
Language (Secondary) English
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Kelly Albrecht

28 May 2010
Kelly Albrecht
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United States
Language (Primary) English
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How to Keep Content from Ruining your Content Management System

Crystal Williams 27 May 2010
Type:  Not planned session

It's a CONTENT Management System... so why do we (and our clients) so often ignore the content until the last second? Learn to read the signs early and get more sites launched on time by managing the content and not just the code.

We've all seen the pattern.

Designer cleverly fills in the boxes, design looks great, client approves design, developers implement the design, site is ready to launch once we get those boxes filled in with the real conte..... What do you mean you don't have anything to go there?

As much as we love the code, great sites live and die by their content. Unfortunately, many sites are still designed and built assuming "something" will fill in the boxes. That's no way to treat your users!

Learn how to incorporate content-centric thinking into your process and:

Showcase: mein!KI.KA – A Safe Community for Kids

Jutta Horstmann 27 May 2010
Type:  Not planned session

In 2009 the TV channel "Kinderkanal" (KI.KA) launched its community "mein!KI.KA" based on Drupal ( KI.KA is the German children's channel of the public television channels of ARD and ZDF. It provides one of the largest and most successful Internet service sites for children in all of Germany.

In this presentation, the project leaders Jutta Horstmann and Tobias Freudenreich will talk about their experiences in building a successful and safe community for children and the lessons learned.

Additional Presenters:  Tobias Freudenreich

Kåre Slettnes

27 May 2010
Kåre Slettnes
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Norway Opening Universities
Language (Primary) Norwegian
Language (Secondary) English
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Add Web font to your site and modules

steveleemonotype 26 May 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Web font, @font-face is a CSS standard to deliver the fonts real-time like images to web pages. It is gaining popularity and is supported by all major Browsers. Designers can use fonts that are located in remote server just like referencing images or video assets. It solves the problem that we must have the fonts reside on the local computer and we can use remotely located Unicode fonts that contains large collections characters and can be updated regularly and accessed by remote users instantly. SEO will be improved by implement the text in real fonts vs. images because the search engine can index/understand the actual text use in a regular fashion like h1, h2 and .headline etc.

We have developed a module to enable the content with web fonts and the module also comes with a WYSIWYG editor with web fonts which can be selected by individual Drupal publisher. Users can design their site with renown fonts for branding, SEO and help vision impaired (fonts can be read by vision aid devices)

We will talk about the Web Font API used in our module so developers can integrate the Web Fonts to their modules and content.

Web font, @font-face is a CSS standard to deliver the fonts real-time like images to web pages. It is gaining popularity and is supported by all major Browsers. Designers can use fonts that are located in remote server just like referencing images or video assets. It solves the problem that we must have the fonts reside on the local computer and we can use remotely located Unicode fonts that contains large collections characters and can be updated regularly and accessed by remote users instantly. SEO will be improved by implement the text in real fonts vs.

Non-English and Multi-Language Search with Apache Solr

Markus Kalkbrenner 26 May 2010
Type:  Not planned session

We will explain the fundamental language specific problems of full text searching using Apache Solr, present some real life multilingual examples from Switzerland and demonstrate the corresponding features of Apache Solr Multilingual.

Apache Solr is a powerful search engine well integrated with Drupal. Solr provides faceted or "guided navigation" which allows site visitors to quickly find what they are looking for by narrowing or refining their query by simply clicking on the links provided as "facets".

Unfortunately, the standard Apache Solr Search Integration module is not very suitable for non-English websites. A lot of manual work is necessary to provide a working setup e.g. for German or French websites.

Additional Presenters:  Philipp Schroeder

Greg Knaddison

26 May 2010
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Growing Venture Solutions
United States
Language (Primary) English
Language (Secondary) Spanish
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