Suggestions around Coder lounge and code sprints
For those of us who contribute to the Drupal project, one of the best parts of the recent DrupalCon San Francisco was that we had a "coder lounge" room available at all times (day and night) where we could meet up with our colleagues on the project and write/discuss code. So, I hope you will also have that going at the CPH DrupalCon.
Ideally, the "coder room" would have round tables, chairs, and power connections, and nothing that would attract people who were not coding (i.e. it shouldn't be in a bar/food area). It would also be helpful if there was another designated nearby area for people to hang out and chat about non-coding stuff, open the same hours, so they woudln't have to be disruptive to the coder area.
I also have a suggestion regarding code/doc sprints: at DCSF there were some "sprint" sessions that were tutorial-style, which I think was a great thing to get new contributors up to speed on how to contribute to Drupal. But these tutorial sessions were also very disruptive for people who were just sprinting and didn't need the tutorial -- and it also made it difficult for us to have discussions about what we were doing. So it would be helpful if at DC-CPH, you could figure out who wanted to do a tutorial-style sprint, and give them some separate space to do it in, preferably with a projector/screen or some other kind of A/V equipment.
Coder A/C
Also that coder lounge in SF got pretty darn warm. Whatever we can do to make sure that we have proper ventilation for all those computers and all that body heat would probably be a win!