Submit your session proposal!

You can submit your session proposals for DrupalCon Copenhagen. The conference will feature the following tracks:
- Introducing Drupal
- Theming, Design & Usability
- Code & Development
- Configuration, Set-Up & Performance
- Drupal for Business
- Providing Professional Drupal Services
During DrupalCon, it is all about who you meet and the connections you make. Connect! is the theme for DrupalCon Copenhagen. Connect! relates to data, sites, people, communities or businesses. Make Connect! your source of inspiration when thinking about your session.
Session proposal submission closes on June 20th.
After the proposal phase, we'll open session voting on June 21st. The tally will not be public, but they will serve as a guideline for the session selection committee, who will assemble the session schedule for DrupalCon Copenhagen. The voting ends on July 4th.
The speakers will be notified and the schedule is posted on July 14th.
Submit your session and register now to take advantage of our early bird pricing.