15 Modules to help you build a community website.

| | |15 Modules to help you build a community website.
Thursday, 26. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
In this session we would like to share our experience and talk about 15 contributed modules (pros, cons, needed tweaks, interaction with each other, ...) that helped us build the community part of the french news website www.lefigaro.fr.
Here is the list of modules we will be talking about.
- Messaging
- Private Message
- Notifications
- Activity
- Facebook Status
- Profile Privacy
- Profile Complete Percent
- Content Profile
- Avatar Selection
- User Relationship
- User Workflow
- Flags
- Organic Groups
- Weblinks
- Shorten
Hello - Now that Acquia has
Hello -
Now that Acquia has released Drupal Commons (http://drupal.org/project/commons ), it seems like it would be a good idea for me to talk to you on the phone before your session - just in case any people in your audience ask you if you know anything about it.
Do you have a little time during this week before Thursday when I can call you? (I will not be at DCPH.)
Jay Batson
VP, co-founder, Acquia