Be a happier Drupal developer with Rules

Be a happier Drupal developer with Rules
| | |Are you using Rules yet? You should! The Rules module can take care of a whole lot of things that previously would require you to write a custom module, and can help you automate processes on your website.
This session will give you:
- An introduction to what Rules is and some basic use cases.
- Hands-on demonstrations of some intermediate use cases, including Rule sets and Rules scheduler*.
- Hands-on demonstrations of advanced use cases – where Rules and Views Bulk Operations work in harmony or short PHP snippets make Rules do things you thought needed 200 lines of code.
- Some hints and advice of how you shouldn't use Rules.
* See comment below
While writing custom mini modules may be fun, every line of code is also one line to debug, update and document. Rules gives you a robust framework, which makes life easier for both developers and site managers – during development, live use and upgrades.
Using Rules is easy. Using Rules is fun.
Be happy. Use Rules.
Note that this session will mainly consist of hands-on demonstrations, and it will only cover Rules 1 for Drupal 6. Don't miss fago's and klausi's session about Rules 2 and rule-based interaction with remote systems!
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What is Rules?
New to Rules? There's a neat documentation for the module and you can find discussions and support at the Rules group. Here are some examples of what you can do with Rules:
- Populate CCK fields with complex conditions
- When a node gets updated, perform updates on referenced nodes as well
- Notify authors of node and parent comment when new comments are posted
- Let users delete their own accounts – even in Drupal 6!
- Schedule publishing, unpublishing, deletion and other actions on content
- Send reminder emails to users who haven't logged in the last month
- Unpublish comments with at least three abuse flags, and notify administrators
This sounds awesome. It's
This sounds awesome.
It's early days for me as Drupal developer and I'm just starting to get in to Rules - it looks amazing. I think I'd find this session very useful.
Crap! I will have to move the
Crap! I will have to move the Rules Scheduler stuff to the end of the presentation, most likely ditching it.
The good news is that there will be more time for showing the (imho) more fancy VBO stuff.
For all of you who will miss the Rules Scheduler presentation (I expect there are hoards of you) – you can still download the examples, slides and not least the full text presentation.
DrupalCon for the win!
Seems I can't edit this page
Seems I can't edit this page to add new downloads and links. Everything can be found at
There actually are websites
There actually are websites with close to 500 rules! I just found out – here's an example:
It not only uses extremely many rules, but also seems to be working well and even looks nice. Way to go!
At least a hundered of these rules are triggered at the same time, so it seems Rules is capable of handling quite massive amounts of conditions and actions. Rock on, fago and klausi!
I'm really interested in knowing more about Rules and performance, so if anyone has done performance tests I'd be happy for a comment at (or some other notification).
The link to the downloadables
The link to the downloadables have been accidentally restricted, but is now open for anyone to use. Sorry for any inconvenience.