Display Suite - central and clean administration of your object displays


|Display Suite - central and clean administration of your object displays
There is an enormous choice when it comes to theming your data. The theming layer makes it possible to create suggestions and create an insane amount of template files, you can override existing theming functions, CCK has the display fields screen and with views you can either choose fields, nodes and other display methods. In big projects, this can lead to an unmanageable amount of places where theming can happen.
The Display Suite API and all its implementations can help you to manage all your data display for your objects (nodes, comments, users, you name it) in one central place. Both developers and themers can benefit from this set of modules now available to make your theming much more easier.
In the session, we'll cover the API for developers, show a lot of examples how theming becomes much easier with the drag and drop UI and how your CSS files will become a lot smaller than you used to have.
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