Drupal 7 entities and fields ... transitioning to D7

Drupal 7 entities and fields ... transitioning to D7
In this session we will explore Drupal 7 entities, bundles and fields from a coders perspective. This will be a technical overview of the changes that have been introduced to content types in Drupal 7 and will walk through the creation of a basic content type including widgets, fields and formatters.
This session is intended to be an introduction for module developers to the many changes in content type creation for Drupal 7. We will review the key concepts of entites, fields, bundles and explore widgets, formatters and view modes. The basis of this presentation is the Examples modules node_example sub-module. We will show how to create fields, instances of those fields and how to display them in different view modes. The custom view mode we will create illustrates how to utilize the core file and image modules to display an image in different sizes for different view modes.
This is an excellent introduction to the changes you need to understand as Drupal evolves from disparate concepts like nodes, taxonomy terms, taxonomy vocabularies and comments to the cohesiveness of Entities. You will walk away from this session with a firm understanding of what you need to keep in mind with your Drupal 7 content modules.
This is a code heavy presentation and will likely put you to sleep if you are not a coder ... that being said, we won't be staring at code for 45 minutes.
d7 is great, expect, +1
d7 is great, expect, +1
Formatters on D7 can have
Formatters on D7 can have their own settings... this is SO huge. I'm sure other changes will mean SO much it eludes me how it will affect site building and best practices. A much needed talk indeed =)
Please mention
Please mention http://drupal.org/project/field_convert !
If you are converting a D6 module to use FieldAPI on D7, this framework will make providing an upgrade path much easier!
Slides are uploaded at
Slides are uploaded at http://www.slideshare.net/cyberswat/drupalcon-cph