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Drupal in the Public Sector (Government)


Additional Presenters:  Ivo Radulovski



Beginner | Intermediate | Expert


Curious | Decision Maker | Project Manager | Designer | Developer | Themer

Drupal in the Public Sector (Government)

Day:  Tuesday, 24. august 2010
Time:  14:45-15:45



As an open source platform and content management system (CMS) for building dynamic web sites, Drupal is establishing itself as a leader among social software solutions for governmental, intergovernmental, and nongovernmental organizations. Having already gained a small but significant share of the domestic and worldwide public sector CMS market, the solution appears on-track for continued growth. The expanding list of high-profile government organizations adopting the solution, along with its recent recognition by industry analyst Gartner as a visionary product in the marketplace, will only accelerate its growth. This growth has already been realized in select countries, particularly the US, where government adoption has reached a tipping point. Let's discuss how to drive similar adoption across Europe.


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28. August 2010 - 0:36

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