For every site, a .make file

For every site, a .make file
Wednesday, 25. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
For every site, a .make file
Tools like Drush and .make files are changing how Drupal sites are built and making building them faster. This presentation will demonstrate the process of using these tools on real client work. We'll cover what works really well, how to start using it now, as well as where the rough spots still are. Approximately half of the time will be lecture style presentation about how this process works, the other half will be demonstrations of the various tools. Some topics we'll cover include:
- How to increase your open source karma by forking. Not only does the Drush Make toolchain make it easier to incorporate modules from in your project, it also make it easier to incorporate patches to those projects. Instead of your patches being stuck inside your project's subversion repository, they can immediately be up on while you keep moving forward on your project.
- How to never download views, cck and core again. Using .make files means that you don't need to manually assemble your project by downloading Drupal core and the usual contrib modules, Drush will do that for you. Projects like Build Kit even promise to manage a core set of modules freeing you to only worry about which lightbox plugin to use on this project.
- How to never build another blog. Projects like Features and Kit provides the tools and guidelines for building re-usable bits of functionality that you can take from project to project. We'll look at how this works in the real world, and how you can reuse that perfect blog you wrote along side the crazy event calendar that would only ever work for this one project.
Attendees should be reasonably familiar with Drush, Features, and building Drupal websites.
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like the content & the picture :)