Git Fundamentals

Drupal's goin git!
Git Fundamentals
Thursday, 26. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze. Whether you're a maintainer, contributor, or just use Drupal at your work, this session will give you a working knowledge of how git and drupal fit together.
As we'll be running through some of idiosyncracies of the git infrastructure and the extensions that'll be written for it, even experienced git users are likely to get something from this session.
Very good presentation!!! But
Very good presentation!!! But from an enterprise view, a client-server model still seems to be better than a distributed model. I don't need to add, commit and push every time to my server. With SVN, I only need to do is add and commit ...
The distributed model is
The distributed model is actually far superior once you get used to it.
In a centralized model, often times you have loads of changes on your localhost that you are still banging out that don't end up getting committed to the central server until you're done. That means you miss out on the benefits of version control except for "production ready" (or at least "doesn't spew fatal errors ready") code. With a distributed VCS, you can commit as you go, regardless if your stopping points lead to error-free code, since only when you "push" at the very end will you start affecting others on your team. And then instead of getting a commit message like "Implemented the foo feature" you get 15-30 commit messages that lay out each individual step ("Adding skeleton code", "Fleshing out the admin pages.", "Fixing bug in foo function", etc.)
Video is up!
Video is up!
Awesome work, Randy! :)
Any slides floating
Any slides floating around?
edit: Doh! Had look at the video (is better quality possible? Hard to follow some of the video) and it is all awesome live show, no slides needed :) Great talk, to bad I decided not to go then the title was GIT Fundamental but turned out to be more then that..