How to build your own 120,000+ user online community with Drupal
How to build your own 120,000+ user online community with Drupal
How to build your own 120,000+ user online community with Drupal
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
| | |Leon Tong, Director of BrightLemon, describes why, who and how to build your own online community using Drupal. This is a strategic presentation focusing on the planning, strategy and implementation of a 120,000 user community by discussing the principles that enabled the successful delivery of a number of large Drupal based social networks.
By specific case studies and examples this presentation will explain how to build your own 120,000+ community.
Questions answered will be:
Why build your own online community?
Who else is building their own online community?
How you can build your own 120,000+ user online community
What can you achieve
Will you include any use case
Will you include any use case of a current community?
Hi Jakub Yes I'll present a
Hi Jakub
Yes I'll present a number of real case studies (one of which already has over 120,000 registered users). Ours our mainly in education, charity and central government.
(I have just presented this particular topic at our Building the Social Web event in London earlier this evening: and feedback was that I should raise the proportion of case studies so will do just that!)
If you mean user types, use cases and user stories of an existing network/community I'm happy to present on the planning phase also...