Lesser-known Drupal 7

Explore, Learn and Discover.
Lesser-known Drupal 7
Thursday, 26. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
Have you already studied to your heart's content the touristy attractions of Drupal 7 (Entity API, Fields, AJAX framework, etc.)? Looking to see something unexpected in Drupal 7? You're in luck.
Visit with me the semi-secret neighborhoods of Drupal 7, only known by some natives.
- Queues and Jobs: execute long-running jobs easily and reliably
- Pluggeable caches: do you love Cache Router, but hope it was properly maintained?
- Extensible database drivers: ever wanted to be able to alter the behavior of the database engine, to optimize your cluster?
- Stream wrappers: store your files in a scalable way
- Intelligent session handler and external cache: serve 100% of your anonymous pages from cache
- And even more.
(photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vivejm/2239626507/)
Not bad. Nice layout, but I
Not bad. Nice layout, but I was missing the "wow" effect ...