Pay module: paying for stuff with Drupal

| |Focus
|Pay module: paying for stuff with Drupal
The Pay module provides online payment handling in Drupal. Sometimes you need a simple way to receive payments from your Drupal site without the complexity of a shopping cart. Pay provides the ability to add a payment form to your site -- or to a specific piece of content on your site -- and enable a single-click payment transaction. No cart, no check-out necessary.
Pay does the heavy-lifting of transactions:
- provides online payment form with the necessary fields for payment transactions
- securely sends the information from a payment form to the payment processor (can be extended for multiple backend payment services)
- stores non-secure payment data in Drupal for tracking and integration with other data from the site
With Pay as a stand-alone transaction API, front-end modules can be built for specific uses like ticket sales or crowd-source funding (two examples currently in development) and hand the actual transactions on to Pay.
Pay is in active development and is already in use on production websites. Come explore Pay's current functionality and discuss the development roadmap. We're eager for your input and ideas on furthering the development of this important module.
Read more about the Pay API with a use-case example on the Advantage Labs site.