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Sharpen your Axe- How We Reduced Development Time by more than 80%

Richard Jones 29 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln

How a well prepared baseline can cut development time by 80%

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln

Despite such a wise dictum and lots of personal experience to teach us otherwise, we find continued pressure to dive into projects with little to no planning in efforts to “go faster”.

However the goal we set ourselves was to reduce Drupal development time by 80% and this session is to share the invaluable lessons we have learned in the quest to go much, much faster.

Focussing on the Site Owner Experience - your pathway to profit and happiness.

Richard Jones 29 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Developers love Drupal for a hundred reasons, not least because it makes you look like a rockstar coder whose answer to any functional request is always 'Yes I can'.

However answer me this honestly, how did the training and handover to the client go ? Did you find yourself apologising or explaining away certain areas or buttons that don't actually do anything - or worse "ah this is actually a developer's feature".

Developers love Drupal for a hundred reasons, not least because it makes you look like a rockstar coder whose answer to any functional request is always 'Yes I can'.

However answer me this honestly, how did the training and handover to the client go ? Did you find yourself apologising or explaining away certain areas or buttons that don't actually do anything - or worse "ah this is actually a developer's feature".

Like me, you may have looked at the admin themes out there as an aftermarket bolt on to improve this - or perhaps you're happy for your clients to use the little black bar?

Imaginary users can save your Drupal site

J-P Stacey 18 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

User personas - fake users everyone has a hand in fleshing out - can ensure your site's functionality and usability and speed up feature launch

Drupal lends itself well to modular, separately deployable code. This means you can often reduce quite large Drupal-based projects to sets of minimum deployable features (MDFs) - informally speaking, chunks of functionality which get a particular job done, and don't look weird on their own - which quickly start to take shape as Drupal development plans.

Additional Presenters:  Rich Middleditch