
d.o: jp.stacey
I'm Drupal Lead and Project Architect for Team Drupal at Torchbox Ltd. Torchbox is an independently-owned web design and development company based in Oxfordshire, providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for clients who come primarily, but not exclusively, from the charity, NGO and public sectors. Team Drupal is dedicated to building, improving and maintaining innovative Drupal websites for those sectors.
My job involves steering Drupal development on the large scale, including integration with third-party systems and migrations, and also providing targeted "surgical strike" solutions for specific technical problems during build and maintenance. I'm ultimately responsible for keeping the quality of code - and to some extent user experience - at a high level, where we can be proud of what we write and release.
In my spare time I organise the Oxford Geek Nights, regular geek meet-ups for the denizens of Oxfordshire. I also build Drupal sites for friends; hang out a lot on Twitter and IRC/#drupaluk; and write and self-publish (literally, with a photocopier) short fiction. I'm also a big fan of new and independent music.
Finally, I'm a onetime physics doctorate, and if I try hard enough I can just about remember how to build a laser. I could take you out from orbit, if I chose to.