
Thomas Barregren //
d.o: TBarregren
d.o: TBarregren
Thomas has more than 20 years experience of IT business. He has primaerly worked with Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions and Content Management Systems (CMS). Thomas is member of the Drupal community since 2005. He has contributed with modules, documentation, support in the Swedish user group and has taking part in arranging DrupalCamp Stockholm Spring 2009 and fall 2009 as well as several DUGs and sprints. Thomas is also co-founder and CEO of NodeOne.
NodeOne is Sweden's foremost specialists on Drupal. Clients includes Bonnier, IKEA and Sony Ericsson. NodeOne has 30 emplyees in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
Thomas chairs the Providing Professional Drupal Services track.