
d.o: psynaptic
I created Drupal Contrib API - API documentation for Drupal contributed modules.
My company, Freestyle Systems, does highly maintainable Drupal websites.
I'm currently working, mainly as a themer, with an awesome team of Drupal rockstars on
I created the Clean theme.
I helped create the Blueprint theme.
I created the Shadowbox module
I co-maintain the Views Slideshow module
I co-maintain the Webform Block module
I co-maintain the Block Edit module
I maintain the PHP Drupal Textmate Bundle
I created the UC PayPoint module
I maintain the UC Worldpay module
I co-maintain the UC Discounts module
I co-maintain the Path Access module
I created the Growl messages module
I created the Query Monitor module
I created the Beautify module
I created the CCK Importer module
I created the Views Importer module
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