Development of Open Source, Open Social webapplications. Development and marketing of cutting edge websites. My open, modern view on the business, in combination with over 13 years of webdevelopment experience can help you get your website out there!
I'm Drupal Lead and Project Architect for Team Drupal at Torchbox Ltd. Torchbox is an independently-owned web design and development company based in Oxfordshire, providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for clients who come primarily, but not exclusively, from the charity, NGO and public sectors. Team Drupal is dedicated to building, improving and maintaining innovative Drupal websites for those sectors.
You know how to use Drupal but do you know how to teach others to use it? We'll define a method for showing clients how to use the tools we build without freaking them out.
You know how to use Drupal. You know how to write code, build a theme, and SEO a site. But do you know how to teach others to use Drupal? For every site we create there are clients who must use it, many don't know a node from a block. After this session, you will be able to introduce clients to Drupal without freaking them out.
We'll cover:
Defining "need to know" and emphasizing main concepts
Director and lead developer at Ixis IT. Previous roles as a developer at Aspen Technology Intl., Phone People, and Personal Medical Advisor.
• Project manager and lead developer for national mobile phone retailer EPOS project.
• Overseeing the successful development and support for large UK entities such as Epilepsy UK, the Police, and the NHS.
Been loving the Drupal for the past 6 years now, since Drupal 4.6! Maintainer to modules on, and many sites in production for clients and personal.
Drupal 7 has two very exciting features for mass self-service hosting of small Drupal sites: Support of SQLite and the sites/sites.php file. Combined with a sandboxed PHP, it is now possible to automatically and safely create full new Drupal sites without any kernel hacks. This talk introduces the autosite module that wraps this functionality for easy deployment.
Drupal 7 has two very exciting features for mass self-service hosting of small Drupal sites: Support of SQLite and the sites/sites.php file. Combined with a sandboxed PHP, it is now possible to automatically and safely create full new Drupal sites without any kernel hacks. This talk introduces the autosite module that wraps this functionality for easy deployment.