This site is archived.


The Great Git Migration

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Where once there was CVS, tomorrow, there shall git reside. In this session, we'll talk about what the switch is going to mean, where we are in the process, and what we need from YOU! is migrating from CVS to git. That means core and contrib, every module and every theme, every install profile - everything that was once held in CVS will be moved over to git. For the initial conversion, which we're calling phase 2, our goal is more or less 1:1 feature parity with what we do in CVS now. The big goodies will come later, in phase 3.

The importance of accessibility & Drupal's future

William Lawrence 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

There's been a tremendous effort in making Drupal accessible. Now what?

There's been a tremendous effort in making Drupal accessible. The primary question is, now that we've made it this far, how well does Drupal support the authoring of accessible Web content to everyone? The quality of Drupal in supporting accessible content creation is critical. It's more than marking off a checklist. It's about making that accessibility sustainable through the life cycle of that product.

Additional Presenters:  Jeff Burnz

Usability testing – doing it, sharing it, building on it

yoroy 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Do you see people use Drupal? Noticing things that confuse them? UX-team would love to hear from you!

Because the one biggest usability issue with Drupal is that there are so very many little ones.

Goal is to lower the barrier for incremental design tweaks based on usability data.
Lets make it easier to share user observations, get better at learning from them and use it inform Drupal design and code.

A Nightmare in your themes folder (2010)

Marek Sotak 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

We all know that learning from mistakes is the best way to learn how not to do things. In this session I will pick some of the worst nightmares I have stumbled upon during my 5 years with Drupal theming (eventualy we will look into D7 possible nightmares, such as hook_alter). I am pretty sure that some of you have still sleepless nights while thinking about a ticking bomb in your theme. If not, you might not even be aware of such problems and/or wrong approaches.

Drupal User Group

JB Ingold 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Drupal User Group / Drupal association worldwide / Local group or linguistic group / industries related group all of that should work together ? How can it help Drupal grow ?

-Drupal User Group
-Local group or linguistic group
-Industries related group
-Drupal association worldwide

Should we adopt a Drupal Code of Conduct (#DCOC) ?
How can can it works together ?
How can it help Drupal grow ?

This session is more a place holder to have a panel with representative of Drupal User Groups and DA to share experiences and see what works and doesn't works.

Theming the Enterprise

Jen Simmons 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

How to theme 17 websites at the same time, using Skinr and strategy.

Last winter, when the recession hit my corner of the web world, I went and got myself one of those full-time jobs. Suddenly instead of designing, building and theming each site from beginning to end as a separate project, I found myself in a mosh-pit of 40 developers, developing dozens of sites at the same time. We've been moving a whole "enterprise level" corporation over to Drupal, rapidly theming without any visual designs (still waiting). Come hear about what I've learned, and the strategy I created for best reusing code and coordinating the efforts of the team.

Grok Drupal Theming

Laura Scott 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

So you know your CSS. You have you xhtml down, even are up on HTML5. But Drupal throws so much other stuff at you. What do you do? Where do you start?

This session provides an overview of how themes work in Drupal. The technical architecture may seem complex, but it's actually quite simple once you grasp the concepts and structures.

Topics covered include:

  • Core templates and how they work together
  • Most-used templates and the variables available
  • Overriding templates for common use cases
  • The Drupal design patterns you will need to design and theme for (whether you like it or not)
  • Changes between Drupal 6 and Drupal 7
  • Modules that make theming easier and/or more powerful
  • The parent-child theme thing
  • Working with module templates, including Views and CCK
  • Gotchas, tips and tricks

Designing an Open-Source Internet Curriculum with Drupal Gardens: Sharing our Dominican Republic Pilot Program experience

claudina sarahe 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Sharing the results of ThinkDrop's Pilot Program to introduce open-source technology and Drupal to children living in less-advantaged communities, helping them overcome the hurdles that prevent them from openly accessing and sharing information.

June 2010 we took a bold leap as a new company and decided to spend part our summer developing an Open-Source Internet Curriculum. We partnered with COSOLA-MACILE, a non-profit organization focused on K-12 education in less advantaged communities.

In July, we are travelling to Itabo, Dominican Republic to teach 6th-12th grade students and teachers about the Internet, Open-Source technology and Drupal, using Drupal Gardens as the primary teaching tool. The Pilot Program will run for approximately 2-weeks as an after school program open to interested MACILE participants.

Ubercart Development Roadmap, Drupal 7 and Beyond

Andy_Lowe 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Ubercart has been ported to Drupal 7 and we are adding features while waiting for Drupal 7 to be released. In this session we hope to build a community consensus on which features to implement in which order. Topics include fieldable products and orders, Rules and Views integration, and any suggestions from the audience.

Ubercart has been ported to Drupal 7 and feature development is in full swing. In this session we will discuss the current road map and future plans for Ubercart on Drupal 7 and 8. We welcome suggestions from the community and will ask for guidance in the order of implementation. Topics will include:

Replacing Conditinal Actions with Rules: Complete
Namespacing functions: Complete
AHAH forms: Mostly complete
Theming improvements:
Fields for Orders:
Fields for Products:
Products as an entity separate from nodes:
Tax improvements:
Addresses standards:
Address book:

Git Fundamentals

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze.

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze. Whether you're a maintainer, contributor, or just use Drupal at your work, this session will give you a working knowledge of how git and drupal fit together.