Update your profile

Conference badges
We'll start printing the conference badges on Thursday, so it's time to make sure that your user profile information on the DrupalCon site is up-to-date. You can take a look at the mockup of the badge
You need to fill out the following fields on your profile:
- Name on the conference badge – your real name or the name you go by in the Drupal community
- Company/organization – the name of the company or organization you represent
- Drupal.org username
- Drupal.org user ID
- Twitter username – make it easy for people to follow you
- Your name – please provide your real name
- Country – where are you from?
You can pick up your badge from the registration desk at the conference venue from 9am on Monday, August 23.
You must wear your conference badge at all times when you're at the venue. In addition to the main conference, the badge also gives you access to the FooBar and the ChX Coders Lounge.
If you have pre-ordered a DrupalCon t-shirt, we'll have it ready for you at the Swagalicious booth in the lobby. All remaining shirts will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-ordered shirts must be picked up before 5pm on Wednesday, August 25.
Want to help out during DrupalCon Copenhagen? We could really use your help in manning the registration desk, assisting the presenters, and helping out wherever it's needed. This is a great opportunity to work with other dedicated members of the community.
As a token of our appreciation, you'll get an awesome crew shirt designed by the King of Copenhagen.
Fill out the registration form on the DrupalCon site and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. You must be registered for the conference to sign up as a volunteer.
I reviewed my profile just to
I reviewed my profile just to make sure I was ready for the printing and was somewhat disappointed. I put my primary language as English, but there was no way for me to choose my secondary language - PHP. : (