Drupal Performance: Then, now, and the future of a speedy Drupal site.
Drupal Performance: Then, now, and the future of a speedy Drupal site.
Wednesday, 25. august 2010
45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)
| | | |This will not be a deep technical talk about how to make your site fast, nor will it be a marketing piece. I will take an in-depth look at the technologies that help Drupal perform and scale to the masses.
I will point you to the technologies and best practices that have been going on lately in the Drupal community, give you a rundown of where we came from and show you where we are going and how to get involved. I would suggest that you have at least a basic understanding of LAMP stack and basic Drupal tuning to get the most from this talk.
Additionally I will cover cloud technologies used with Drupal and very lightly touch on the future of rapid deployment to the cloud for all types of Drupal sites.
Topics covered will include:
- Caching
- Pressflow
- Pantheon
- Cloud hosting
- monitoring
- debugging
- Drupal 7/8
- memcache
- apc
- nginx/apache
- mongodb
will funny with this, vote
will funny with this, vote
There is another session on
There is another session on Drupal Performance http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/drupal-performance-boost-solutions, perhaps you can do a joint presentation?
I only now discovered a talk
I only now discovered a talk that is even more closely related to the topics you will talk about: Pantheon, Pressflow, Varnish, Memcached, Cloud hosting:
Would you consider doing a joint talk? That would free up room for more topics that were dropped from the initial schedule!