This site is archived.


Should you build a Drupal product?

Boris Mann 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Basing your business on Drupal can be a scary thing. Should you build a Drupal product, or just use Drupal?

First, a base definition and discussion will be had about the differences between an install profile for internal / multi-site use and a full blown Drupal distribution, and the shades of grey in between.

Then we'll dive into the business reasons and opportunities around building a Drupal product.

  • Branding & marketing
  • "Drupal inside" - the benefits of building on Drupal
  • Product as loss leader
  • Hosting?
  • Revenue streams!

A Nightmare in your themes folder (2010)

Marek Sotak 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

We all know that learning from mistakes is the best way to learn how not to do things. In this session I will pick some of the worst nightmares I have stumbled upon during my 5 years with Drupal theming (eventualy we will look into D7 possible nightmares, such as hook_alter). I am pretty sure that some of you have still sleepless nights while thinking about a ticking bomb in your theme. If not, you might not even be aware of such problems and/or wrong approaches.

Drupal User Group

JB Ingold 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Drupal User Group / Drupal association worldwide / Local group or linguistic group / industries related group all of that should work together ? How can it help Drupal grow ?

-Drupal User Group
-Local group or linguistic group
-Industries related group
-Drupal association worldwide

Should we adopt a Drupal Code of Conduct (#DCOC) ?
How can can it works together ?
How can it help Drupal grow ?

This session is more a place holder to have a panel with representative of Drupal User Groups and DA to share experiences and see what works and doesn't works.

How did Drupal achieve World Domination? (And now what?)

Benjamin Melançon 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

From Dries' original typo registering the Dutch word for community, to the jump across the Atlantic, to camps on six continents, we'll look at how has Drupal spread throughout the world and try to pinpoint turning points in the development of the Drupal community.

From Dries' original typo trying to register the Dutch word for community,
... to the adoption of Drupal by
... to the jump across the Atlantic and some of the first and still prominent Drupal-based companies coming out of the Howard Dean presidential campaign,
... to the weekend from hell and finally moving to dedicated servers,
... to the camps now being held on six continents,
we'll look at how has Drupal spread throughout the world and try to pinpoint turning points in the development of the Drupal community.

Community ROI: how (& why) to get your development shop leveraging Drupal

Boris Mann 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

One of the advantages of the Drupal ecosystem is that there is a strong attitude of giving back and contributing. As Drupal gets more popular, many new shops aren't necessarily understanding how this can benefit them and their clients. How do we initiate them in the power of the Force rather than have them slip into the Dark Side?

The light side: being fully engaged in the community as part of your business strategy
The dark side: making money by deploying Drupal without ever participating in the community

I will be holding an open discussion on how & why to contribute to Drupal, both on a contrib basis as well as to Drupal core.

Here are some of the questions that will be explored:
* how do you schedule contributions?
* do you charge clients for contributions? should you?
* how do you promote your community ethos to clients?
* will doing community contributions lead to more work for you?

Grok Drupal Theming

Laura Scott 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

So you know your CSS. You have you xhtml down, even are up on HTML5. But Drupal throws so much other stuff at you. What do you do? Where do you start?

This session provides an overview of how themes work in Drupal. The technical architecture may seem complex, but it's actually quite simple once you grasp the concepts and structures.

Topics covered include:

  • Core templates and how they work together
  • Most-used templates and the variables available
  • Overriding templates for common use cases
  • The Drupal design patterns you will need to design and theme for (whether you like it or not)
  • Changes between Drupal 6 and Drupal 7
  • Modules that make theming easier and/or more powerful
  • The parent-child theme thing
  • Working with module templates, including Views and CCK
  • Gotchas, tips and tricks

Drupal as the enterprise information hub

Hernâni Freitas 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

For organizations, knowledge and inovation are the keys to make the
difference. However managing what a company knows and what is going on
inside and outside the firm is truly challenging when every one is envolved.
Using Drupal as our basestone, we were able of enroll 600
collaborators from dozens of teams of a Multinational Telecom Company in Portugal to document
what they know, to capture and broadcast their daily activity and to
show to every team and every team member what is important for them,
wherever they want and whenever they want!

Enterprise knowledge management has been the focus of many software
products in the last decade. However most of these products have
proven to fail on capturing everyone's inputs and on customizing the
information in order to meet people's constant requirements.

Drupal allows users with different roles to create rich contents
with defined properties. These contents give shape to a big infomation
cloud, in which users can categorize them using either the organization's language
(taxonomy) or their personal one (tags). This categorization

Git Fundamentals

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze.

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze. Whether you're a maintainer, contributor, or just use Drupal at your work, this session will give you a working knowledge of how git and drupal fit together.

Introduction to internationalization in Drupal 7

Olivier Jacquet 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

This session will introduce how you can activate different languages in Drupal 7, configure the language negotation and how you can build a small multilingual brochure website.

This session will introduce how you can activate different languages in Drupal 7, configure the language negotation and how you can build a small multilingual brochure website.

It will demonstrate the locale and content translation modules from core and some of the functionality provided by the i18n and views modules. Hopefully some of the functionality of i18n will have been ported by then.

The session will also highlight some of the changes between D6 and D7.

Developing Community Websites with Drupal

Ronald Ashri 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This session aims to demonstrate how to build a community website in Drupal. Combining modules such as Groups and Activty with Views and CCK to get from vanilla Drupal installation to sophisticated community website. We talk about what works, what perhaps should but doesn't quite and what is coming in the future. A session for anyone considering to built a community website with Drupal.

Drupal has long been touted as a system that provides the necessary "plumbing" to build community-oriented websites. However, it is not immediately obvious, even to developers with some experience how one gets from a vanilla Drupal installation to creating a sophisticated community with complex interactions and different types of users.

Additional Presenters:  John Griffin