OLPC Australia's use of Drupal & Civi-CRM

OLPC Australia's use of Drupal & Civi-CRM
| | | | | |You might have heard about a little laptop called Xo? One Laptop Per Child Australia would like to provide an overview on how they are using Drupal and Civi-CRM for online communications and managing laptop deployments. This talk aims to provide an introduction to how you can utilize Drupal and Civi-CRM for management of non for profit projects.
- About One Laptop Per Child Australia
- One Laptop Per Child web site Architecture - use of Solr and LAMP
- Drupal in the Cloud - Linux Cloud
- Drupal 6 and Civi-CRM integration - managing customers
- Managing Laptop Deployments with Civi-Case - deploying a laptop to children in rural and remote locations
- Future use of Civi-CRM - Customised integration with Civi-CRM donations
Visit us at http://www.laptop.org.au
website proudly running Drupal6 and Civi-CRM
The original OLPC Australia site was built in static XHTML/CSS and then converted into a Drupal 6 website. Civi-CRM was added to assist in customer relation management, donation management and management of Xo laptop deployment. There is also future work planned to incorporate inventory tracking and donation payment with merchant banking gateway integration through Civi-CRM.
Photo taken at Drupal Camp Brisbane 2010
Photo taken by Tim Miller - Brisbane, Australia http://www.flickr.com/photos/alborath/4670706964/in/set-72157624080852051/
really cool to hear that
really cool to hear that olpcau is using CiviCRM and CiviCase to manage operations. We'd love to hear more details and specifics of what was done and how :)
I'll bring my OLPC just for
I'll bring my OLPC just for that...