d.o: denverdataman
Steve Kessler is the owner and lead consultant of Denver DataMan. Steve has 9 years of direct experience in the IT field, having worked as a network technician, help desk technician, project manager, and trainer. Steve also has 11 years experience with teaching and training and has worked with children as young as Pre-K to adults in their 80's.
Steve is very active with the South Metro Chamber of Commerce including teaching seminars, being involved with the Science, Technology, Engineering, And Math Education Coalition (STEM-EC) and other communities within the Chamber.
Steve teaches on a variety of subjects in the technology field including software use, Internet marketing, technology planning, web development and SEO. Besides his work with Denver DataMan Steve also teaches computer skills (including video game design) to at risk youth through a nonprofit called KidsTek. Steve won the 2008 Aurora Lights On After-school Staff After-school Hero award for his work in this area. His current project is at Montbello high school teaching the Cisco CCNA Discovery curriculum.
Volunteering is very important to Steve. Steve teaches classes with Teaming 4 Technology. Steve also volunteers with other location organizations including Project Cure.
Steve has been involved in developing innovative ways to access information on the Internet since 1999. In 2000 he was part of a World Champion ThinkQuest Team that created The Art of Speech.
When Steve is not working he spends time hiking or cooking. Steve loves to entertain for his friends and make creative dishes. Steve also serves on several committees and volunteers for causes he cares about.