
The Awesomesauce is here! Join us at the grand opening of the FooBar on Monday, August 23 to taste it yourself. We'll take over Copenhagen's Australian Bar Monday through Thursday night and make it the geekiest bar in town. Each night will start out with an open bar, thanks to our wonderful FooBar sponsors:
- Monday: Microsoft
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday: Acquia & Dataflow
- Thursday: Rackhosting
On Tuesday we are proud to welcome some very special guests from Sweden. More on that below. Wednesday night the local Rock The Night crew will present the Bon Jovi Happy Hour. Prepare yourself for an evening of 80's metal and memories of bad hair days.
The FooBar venue is on Vestergade 10 in downtown Copenhagen.
The return of the freaks of Drupal metal
Despite being banned by several animal rights and general morality organizations around the world, the notorious Drupal metal heads of the Kitten Killers are back on the road again! Legendary bass player Slash Falcon, also known as Johan Falk of NodeOne, says "It's a world tour starting in Solna, Sweden, and goes via Copenhagen in, like, Denmark or something, and all the way back to Sweden."
Violent events within the band has increased speculation on whether they are ever going back on tour. The band's infamous manager Matts Hildén, comments via a crackly Skype connection from Saint Tropez, France: "I need the money. Then someone has to play, right? All that yakity-yak about violence is totally exaggerated. The members of this band are like my own children, and domestic corporal punishment is no crime where I come from."
Rumour has it that several new songs have been added to the Kitten Killers' acclaimed reportoire. According to unconfirmed sources, the songs were composed during heavy Lättöl (local beverage) drinking sessions in the band's hangout "The Pet Morgue", a run down trailer park on the outskirts of the Old Town of Stockholm where the band members live and rehearse together.
Drupal the Card Game Tournament
Have you ever wondered if you are, in fact, the greatest Drupal ninja in the world? Do you think you've got what it takes to be saluted by the entire Drupal community? Now, the time has come to see who is the very best Drupalist! Join the Drupal the Card Game tournament in Copenhagen and become the first Drupal the Card Game hero ever!
To enhance your possibilities to win, there will be a training camp in the foyer from 10am-11am on Tuesday, August 24. The actual tournament will take place in the foyer from 10am-11am on Wednesday, August 25. Both events will be lead by the game creator Rustan Håkansson. The winner of the tournament will be presented with an incredibly stylish and goldish plaque and eternal Drupal glory.
Drupal the Card Game is a quick card game in which two to four players compete to earn reputation by developing new Drupal modules and building complex websites. The developer with the highest reputation wins the game. The Drupal the Card Game decks are handed out for free at DrupalCon in Copenhagen. Get one while there are any left in the NodeOne booth!
Read more about the card game and download the tournament flyer.
Ya gotta give it up to
Ya gotta give it up to nodeone ofr the the drupal card game comp.... can't get more creative than that can you?
Beer, Metal, Cardgame and
Beer, Metal, Cardgame and Beer? Awesome!