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Decision Maker

About the Rules Ecosystem

Wolfgang Ziegler 25 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

We'll present Rules 2 (project) and accompanying developments for Drupal 7, in particular covering new features, introducing Rules web for the rule-based interaction with remote systems, and presenting the outcome of the two Rules related summer of code projects.

Additional Presenters:  Wolfgang Ziegler Klaus Purer

Håvard Gerhardsen

25 June 2010
Håvard Gerhardsen
Local team/staff
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Language (Primary) Norwegian
Language (Secondary) English
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Andreas Hagerman

25 June 2010
Andreas Hagerman
Local team/staff
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Language (Primary) Danish
Language (Secondary) English
Social information
Andreas Hagerman

Rasmus Luckow-Nielsen

25 June 2010
Rasmus Luckow-Nielsen
Local team/staff
Staff title:  Speaker Organizer
Staff description:  Organizing the keynote speakers
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Reload! A/S
Language (Primary) Danish
Language (Secondary) English
Social information

CEO at the small Drupal development firm Reload ( We're doing some of the most interesting open source drupal-based projects in denmark right now, including the open library system "ding.TING".

We're looking for more employees, so feel free to contact me if you're interested.

Aldo Tripiciano

25 June 2010
Aldo Tripiciano
Local team/staff
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Language (Primary) Italian
Language (Secondary) English
Social information

Nato in Italia nella prima metà degli anni 80, ho sempre vissuto a Roma. Avevo 5 anni quando per la prima volta mi approcciai al vecchio Commodore 64 di mio zio e al suo sistema operativo in BASIC. Da allora ho saputo che i computer avrebbero rivestito un ruolo importante nella mia vita.

Dopo essermi diplomato mi sono iscritto al corso di Informatica dell'Università Tor Vergata di Roma, sperimentando al tempo stesso un gran numero di linguaggi e tecniche di programmazione.

Eurostars Project SCMS integrates (additional) Semantic Web Stack into Drupal

Martin Kaltenböck 25 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

The Eurostars project SCMS ( aims to enable Content Management Systems
for Enterprise Knowledge Management and News Mining by using a combination of Semantic Web Technologies
and Natural Language Processing Technologies (NLP) as well as providing methods of social
semantic collaboration and scalable knowledge stores and expressive query capabilities.

One of the platforms in which we aim to integrate the the SCMS technology stack is the Drupal
Open Source CMS. In this session, we will give an overview of (1) the SCMS project itself, (2) the
used existing technologies, (3) the novel and innovative technologies created within SCMS
as well as (4) the features & possibilities that come to Drupal by integrating the SCMS technology
stack from several points of view (editors, developers, business cases) and finally (5) an example for a
concrete use case of SCMS: a dossier mash up for the energy sector.

Staying on top of the mass of knowledge assets and the flood of news in the enterprise is critical but increasingly hard. In order to address this problem SCMS integrates semantics, knowledge discovery (KD) and collaborative curation.

Additional Presenters:  Axel Ngonga

Brian Jamison

25 June 2010
Founder, OpenSourcery
Local team/staff
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OpenSourcery LLC
United States
Language (Primary) English
Language (Secondary) German
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Brian Jamison

Brian is a seasoned entrepreneur with many technology-related companies to his credit. He has worked with Linux, open source, and the Internet professionally since 1995. Brian serves on the board of the Software Association of Oregon and as President of the Portland Open Source Software Entrepreneurs (POSSE). Brian is also an adviser, mentor, or board member for numerous startups. He actively promotes safe, renewable biodiesel as a locally-produced fuel source.

Jonathan Hedstrom

25 June 2010
Jonathan Hedstrom / jhedstrom
Local team/staff
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United States
Language (Primary) English
Social information

Jonathan Hedstrom is the Lead Developer at OpenSourcery in Portland, Oregon.

Willem van Straaten

24 June 2010
Local team/staff
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South Africa
Language (Primary) Afrikaans
Language (Secondary) English
Social information
Willem van Straaten

Founder: http:/

Niels van Mourik

24 June 2010
Niels van Mourik
Local team/staff
Personal information
Madcap B.v.
Language (Primary) Dutch
Language (Secondary) English
Social information

All round computer purist, software architect and Open Source evangelist. I'm self-educated in non-proprietary programming languages, the computer architecture, software libraries and several products. Besides technical knowledge I've got my ideas on the society and how we should embrace openness and collaboration to move forward in a rapidly changing and growing society.